Hmmm, a reconsideration on Stress

By mouthymerc, in Zombie Apocalypse

Actually according to RAW the only way you could use "strong family ties" as both a positive and a negative feature would be if you took it twice, once as each. Page 25 states quite clearly that features are either positive or negative. RAW does not support a feature being both, it is either designated as positive indicated with +, or negative indicated with -.

So using strong family ties to give a negative die when recognizing a zombie cousin *and* using strong family ties to give a positive die for egotiating with an uncle is wrong use of the feature.

It is RAW, page 18 "However, features from other categories can add negative dice if they are applicable to the task." that features can apply to tests in other categories. However stress from a test always applies to the category in which the test was taken.

"Whenever you make a test, you gain a number of stress points equal to the negative dice left in the pool. This stress is taken in the category matching that of the characteristic used for the test, and it represents the general strain or damage resulting from performing the task." page 30.

Stress from other situations can be assigned freely by the GM.

I think some posstive features should give you a negative die (and vice versa) in some instances since they would be considered situational. These definitely fall in that category.

As would the +bodybuilder from the other topic give you a - when pushing through a small space. It is not that you are using a positive feature negatively, you are using a hazard based on body size.

I think Strong family ties should be a + feature that would disallow you from saying " My cousin? I don't care..." It is situational.

All of which I agree with, but it is not playing according to RAW.

I think some posstive features should give you a negative die (and vice versa) in some instances since they would be considered situational. These definitely fall in that category.

As would the +bodybuilder from the other topic give you a - when pushing through a small space. It is not that you are using a positive feature negatively, you are using a hazard based on body size.

I think Strong family ties should be a + feature that would disallow you from saying " My cousin? I don't care..." It is situational.

But you don't think that stress can cross categories...

Both have influences on the way the game flows, but one is 'good' and the other is 'bad'?

You seem to be treating them similar to Aspects in Fate, and there they can be used by the player or the opposition, as being discussed elsewhere!

Edited by Venomous Filigree

Actually, if you really read what I wrote then you would see why that is simply not the case. And again the raw clearly states you give stress to the characteristic you roll on.

And yes, it is purely playing by RAW to add negative dice for situational challenges. The rules clearly state that you add negative dice for challenges. Which in such a case they would be.

Also, I'd like the record to state that I am not telling anyone they should game the way my group does. Do what makes you happy.


What was that for? You know I answered both you and the other poster right?

Edited by DanteRotterdam

Dante and I have carried on a heated discussion, but I think he is worth listening to. I may not agree with him but that does not mean I skip his posts.

I actually would love a chance to play in one of his games. The "His table, his game" rule would apply. When at another GM's table I abide by their rules interpretations.

I can always respect someone's opinion even if I don't agree with it.