Aparantly there is this move in swordfighting with a two-handed sword, called a "Mordslag" where you grip the blade and bash your oponents head in with the handle/crossguard. (why this exists i don't know, unless it's to troll your oponent. "Oh you see this big sword here, you think i was gonna slash you with it, huh? NOPE! Blunt damage to the faaaace biatch!" ) Also something best not done with a chainsword.
I know it as a Murderstroke, but i suppose that's the translation in German. As was mentioned, it's for a makeshift mace, a more common move however is holding the sword by the hilt as normal but placing your second hand midway up the blade, using it to lever into a soft spot like a joint.
The two-handed sword is used very much like a Quarterstaff in close combat. The great swings with the blade many people envision in it's use are really only opening and finishing moves. The "Mordslag" and a number of other techniques are used to stun and or trip your opponent and thus set you up for a finishing slash or stab.