First game remote play

By jiffk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Hi guys, I wanted to start a age of rebellion session with friends but we couldn't be any more geographically diverse!

Are there any resources for playing this remotely?

We've used vassal and Skype to play the likes of Battlestar galactica, but non of us have played any RPGs before but I figured due to the story element it will lend itself very well to remote play.

Does anyone have any advice on what to use, it seems like maptool gets a lot of good press and might be a good bet, would I have to scan in my own maps and tokens etc or are digital copies available?

I know some people have used various skype and similar technologies effectively. If your time zones/schedules allow for you to all be online at the same time, this is probably the best solution.

I've also had luck playing this game as a Play-by-Post on a forum, though it is a somewhat different style of play.

Regardless of method, you will probably have to scan your tokens/maps, as there are no official digital version - someone may have scanned them already, however.

You can also use, a good way to play RPGs in general online--and if the GM can run scripts, you can even get FFG SW dice scripts in there. Of course, you could all just use your own dice remotely or use the dice app on your phones remotely as well.

I would suggest Fantasy Grounds , it is a VTT (Virtual Table Top). Together with skype (or maybe google hangouts). It actually has a community developed ruleset for the FFG Star Wars. (including the wonky dice), at least some destiny point functionality. And offcourse character sheets. Fantasy Grounds do come with a one time fee though.


I would suggest Fantasy Grounds , it is a VTT (Virtual Table Top). Together with skype (or maybe google hangouts). It actually has a community developed ruleset for the FFG Star Wars. (including the wonky dice), at least some destiny point functionality. And offcourse character sheets. Fantasy Grounds do come with a one time fee though.

There’s an interesting article in their wiki about the fan-provided system for doing FFG SWRPG in Fantasy Grounds, at

That even includes a nice little screencast showing how the tools work, at

Very cool!

Roll20 is what I am considering from running my game online, especially now that the custom FFG dice are available.