I was watching a game on Youtube when the following situation came up
There is a Kugath with damage on one side, a fire warrior elite on the other side with 4 damage on, and another Tau unit at the planet.
They ruled in the video that Kugath had to attack the fire warrior elite even if he moved damage to it, which I disagree with.
Kugath : When this Warlord is declared as an attacker, move 1 damage from this Warlord to another unit at the same planet.
Fire Warrior Elite : When an enemy unit would declare an attack against a unit you control at this planet, declare this unit as the defender instead.
When does Fire Warrior Elite's ability trigger, and does it even matter?
Steps to attacking
Declare Attacker
Declare Defender
Deal Damage
Kugath triggers on being declared as an attacker, at which point he could move the damage to the fire warrior elite, killing it. So either Fire Warrior Elite triggers when a different unit is declared as a defender to move the attack (at this point it is dead and so couldn't react), or it declares upon declaring the attacker to force the attack (but since it dies during the declare attacker step it is no longer a legal target of an attack, so Kugath is free to declare a different defender).
Am I correct in this?