A 4-year-old's take on the end of TCW Season 5 (Spoilers)

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Quick warning—this post contains spoilers for season 5 of The Clone Wars.

I thought this might be an appropriate place to post this, seeing as we're dealing with the Force and Jedi and all. And I just wanted to share :)

So I was watching the last story arc of season 5 of The Clone Wars with my son, who's now 4 and a half, and after this ending scene...

...he sat very quietly and very still, watching the TV while the somber music carried on through the end credits.

I waited for about 30 seconds before I asked, "What are you thinking, buddy?"
There was a pause, then he asked, still sitting staring at the now-blank TV as if lost in thought, "Why was Anakin sad?"
I waited, didn't say anything.
"Did Ahsoka not want her necklace?"
"No," I said, "she didn't want her padawan braid. What does that mean?"
"Does she not want to be a Jedi anymore?"
"No, she doesn't."
Another pause. "What is she gonna be now?"
I said, "I dunno buddy, she is trying to figure that out for herself. I'm not sure what she's going to become."
Another pause. Then, he said with chipper hopefulness, "Maybe....a senator?!"

That scene was a wonderful scene. I remember it very well. I'm impressed your four-year old understood so much of it.

In my game, having left the Order and not been an official Jedi at the time of Order 66 and the subsequent purge, she managed to escape and is still alive and out there, having found her own path.

When Anakin tells her he understands wanting to leave the Order I'm certain that he is talking about Padmé - something that he keeps secret from everyone else in his life. When Ahsoka says she knows, Anakin clearly understands that she knows what he means. You can see the surprise on his face and the acceptance. It's deeply touching for all that it means.

Edited by knasserII

Star Wars Rebels Spoiler that links your original opening statement!!!!

and then ahsoka pops up in the new star wars rebels season finale this week and will be in season 2, and vader too!!!. Just watched it this morning.

Edited by stevemfred