The new one (Mos Eisley Back Alleys) is from the Jawa Scavenger pack.
The new one (Mos Eisley Back Alleys) is from the Jawa Scavenger pack.
On 12/19/2017 at 4:57 PM, Fizz said:Updated links to new Tournament regulations and legal skirmish maps (too lazy to look up which packs they are from right now).
Totally get it, but have seen some newer players wondering what they need for tourney play. Hopefully this helps.
Current Tournament Map Rotation (Oldest map listed first)
Updated. Thanks for the legwork!
Updated link to current FAQ.
With the announcement of the regional locations,have they released a updated rules reference and map rotation?Sorry if i couldn't find it but it seems all the threads i have found were a few months old.Dropped out of IA for xwing 2.0 for awhile.Thanks for any help.The last maps i remember were
mois eisley back alleys
uscru entertainment district
Tarkin Initiative labs....
Did Back alleys rotate out for Lothal Wastes while i was flying plastic space ships??
3 hours ago, Mrshojen said:With the announcement of the regional locations,have they released a updated rules reference and map rotation?Sorry if i couldn't find it but it seems all the threads i have found were a few months old.Dropped out of IA for xwing 2.0 for awhile.Thanks for any help.The last maps i remember were
mois eisley back alleys
uscru entertainment district
Tarkin Initiative labs....
Did Back alleys rotate out for Lothal Wastes while i was flying plastic space ships??
They haven't officially rotated yet...but we expect it to come probably by the end of the year, so maybe the first few Regionals will still have Mos Eisley (?)
Thanks for the reply,thought i was just blind to a update.
Guessing after FFGC's Regionals next week is when we will see map rotation.
Updates made:
Also, at this point, have all the questions in the first post been addressed in FAQs? I have done a cursory search of the FAQ and have not found this to be the case.
Edited by FizzOn 2/13/2015 at 12:05 AM, Fizz said:Rules questions not yet on the FAQ:
** ) Jyn's Trick Shot can be used to establish LOS when interrupting to perform an attack , and can be used in conjunction with Jyn's Quick Draw ability.
** ) Jyn's Gunslinger ability: You can use both the surges from the pistol you attacked with, and any other pistol you brought to the mission. Remember that each hero can only bring 2 weapons to a mission, however.
1** ) Abilities cannot be used by or affect incapacitated heroes.
** ) Strain caused by Bleeding is not voluntary.
2**) There are some missions which place objectives in a space that are impossible to be adjacent to. How is this resolved?
** ) "If Gideon has both Masterstroke and Mobile Tactician, what are the restrictions on when he may/must spend the bonus movement points?
3** ) The deployment cost of a group is not altered when an upgrade is attached to it.
** ) Urgency: Any movement points gained during Urgency must be spent as part of that action since they were gained from a special action. The movement points are not added to a pool that can be spent and divided throughout the activation.
** ) Does damage from Relentless count as damage sustained during the attack? This has implications for abilities such as Han's Return Fire.
** ) " Start of Round " and " End of Round " are considered single instances so you could not play multiple copies of Jundland Terror or Reinforcements at once, even if you used different eligible targets for those cards’ abilities.
**) Awkward prohibits an attack on any adjacent figure, regardless of where the targeted space lies. This is an important distinction to make when the target is a large figure and occupies a space that is not adjacent to the Awkward attacking unit. For example: an AT-ST could not attack an adjacent Bantha Rider, even if the targeted space was not adjacent to the AT-ST.**) Mortar would not affect figures behind the door, even if it is destroyed. The Blast ruling deals with if the door is the target of an attack that then triggers Blast, since the damage from an attack is dealt before blast resolves. Mortar resolves all at once.
4>>) Does Provoke prevent passing (re: passing activation due to your opponent having more active deployment cards)?
Because you asked.
1**) FAQ: Q: If Saska is incapacitated, can other Rebel figures use her device tokens?
No. Incapacitated and withdrawn figures' abilities cannot be used, even if they don't affect that same figure.
2**) FAQ: BLOCKING TERRAIN · If a figure or object without mobile occupies a space containing blocking terrain, apply the rules for mobile to that figure or object.
3**) FAQ: Q: Does an "Attachment" Skirmish Upgrade card change the deployment cost of the Deployment card to which it is attached?
A: No. The attachment is simply scored simultaneously when the group to which it is attached is defeated. Any effects that refer to a group's deployment cost do not take the cost of an attached Skirmish Upgrade into account.
Also apparent from the skirmish scoring change, also there is a Skirmish Attachments section in the FAQ.
4>>) FAQ: Q: If my opponent has no remaining activations this round, can I play "Provoke" to force the targeted group to activate first
next round?
A: No. "Activate next if able" abilities only apply to the current round.
A lot of the others are literal abilities or rules as written, specifically Trick Shot, Gunslinger, Mobile Tactician and spending movement points, Urgency being a special action, Start of Round and End of Round being triggers and not phases (otherwise there would be no need for timing conflict resolution), Awkward, Mortar.
Ahhh, so they were answered. I'll remove them then.