Can you PM me the original email?
Sorry for the long delay. I'm focused on LCG now that my IA regional is done. I don't have an original email. This was posted on our group's facebook page.
Can you PM me the original email?
Sorry for the long delay. I'm focused on LCG now that my IA regional is done. I don't have an original email. This was posted on our group's facebook page.
Snowtrooper "action" is this once per activation of the unit or each model get to forego shooting to heal
Each figure activates separately. Each figure can perform each special action upto once per their activation (unless the special action needs a class card to be exhausted and it is already exhausted).
The Environmental Recovery Gear special action can thus be performed by any figure in the group during their activation(s).
Btw, this is not a rules discussion thread...
Edited by a1bert
With new FAQ being released it's disappointing that it remains possible to shoot doors and focus/hide/interrogate/focus troopers, etc.
FAQ post updated.
Is there anything on the Side Mission that comes with Obi-Wan? Maybe it was because it was the second mission to come up in the campaign, however, from our game, it seems that the standard 6 turns is a bit inadequate.
This is the wrong thread for mission discussion, so I will be short. If you want to discuss, start a thread in the campaign subforum.
Obi-Wan is an awesome ally, so I would expect Deadly Transmission to be on the harder side to win for the rebels, especially as their first side mission. The rebels absolutely need to use Obi-Wan well in the mission. His Mind Trick will be valuable. The rest depends on which heroes you have and what class cards they already have. (And of course much depends on the class deck and skill of the imperial player.)
If you want, increase the round limit by 1, but you would probably need to give extra threat to the imperial player.
Edited by a1bertI've seen a lot of people asking what the current maps in rotation are and I know what they are but I didn't realize Fizz list's them at the beginning of this FAQ thread. In fact, I was almost wanting to ask someone to put a second sticky topic either here or maybe in the skirmish subforum saying what the current maps were just so new people would have an easier place to find it/we'd have an easier way to say where it is than look up the current FAQ.
So, I was wondering Fizz, if it's worth it/possible to add to the end of the name of this sticky thread "FAQ and Current Tournament Maps" or something like that? Just a thought and figured I'd throw it out there.
Unfortunately, we cannot edit post titles.
Rules Question:
Primary Target - Command Card, Imperial Assault Skirmish: "Use when you declare an attack targeting a hostile figure with the highest figure cost of all hostile figures on the map. You become Focused and apply +1 [Damage] to the attack results." Is the requirement exclusive? Was playing yesterday and opponent had 2x Repulser Tanks at 10 (none higher). Can I use this on the Repulser Tank while both are alive? Or do I have to wait until one is dead and then use it on the other?
Hello all.
It's been a while since we last discussed about Mak disengage, but me and the players of my IA campaign get into a ferocious debate about the skill and its official FAQ.
Well, I could note that the discussion about the nuances and timing conflicts around disengage was elaborated before it got FAQ'ed. Since we felt the content on the forum still left margin to double interpretations, we resort some other online fonts to research, like reddit and BGG.
Looking up at those forums and the FAQ, we realized two points of view about the skill.
First of all let me post here the skill and the official FAQ:
Disengage skill:
1 strain: Exhaust this card when a hostile figure enters a space within 3 spaces of you, gain 3 movement points.
Q: Does Mak have to use “Disengage” right away when a hostile
figure enters a space within 3 spaces?
A: Yes. The timing window for that ability is
when the hostile
enters the space in question
Defenders of the option 1 argue that the FAQ came to prevent exploiting, since heroes can't wait the IP to declare an attack and then use "disengage", effectively negating the attack because of "Covert" ability. But, besides that, entering an empty space within 3 spaces of Mak will always trigger "disengage", since the requisites to triggering are always being met.
The followers of option 2 however, stand with other perspective. After reaching an empty space within 3 spaces of Mak, if the hero spends 1 move point more to enter an empty space further, wouldn't him be disobeying the "right away" directive? In this case, wouldn't be the timing window mistakenly expanded?
Triggering "disengage" when a hostile figure declares an attack is not possible. The timing windows are completely different than "enters a space within 3 spaces". So, the exploit is the speculation itself.
Spending a new movement point/"moving into an empty space" to reach an empty space further within 3 spaces of Mak, means that the timing on wich he could trigger "disengage" was gone, since entering "the empty space within 3 spaces of Mak" was a condition already met, and the hero choose not to exhaust the skill. Indeed, once you reach "an empty space within 3 spaces" of Mak you have to choose whether or not to exhaust "disengage". By choosing not to exhaust, the timing window "only when the hostile figure enters the space in question" is gone and moving further into empty spaces inside the 3 space radius within Mak will no longer trigger "disengage" again.
On the other hand, I have to agree that the FAQ is poorly written, and both concepts have a point.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
Edited by DommusHello all.
It's been a while since we last discussed about Mak disengage, but me and the players of my IA campaign get into a ferocious debate about the skill and its official FAQ.
Well, I could note that the discussion about the nuances and timing conflicts around disengage was elaborated before it got FAQ'ed. Since we felt the content on the forum still left margin to double interpretations, we resort some other online fonts to research, like reddit and BGG.
Looking up at those forums and the FAQ, we realized two points of view about the skill.
First of all let me post here the skill and the official FAQ:
Disengage skill:
1 strain: Exhaust this card when a hostile figure enters a space within 3 spaces of you, gain 3 movement points.
Q: Does Mak have to use “Disengage” right away when a hostile
figure enters a space within 3 spaces?
A: Yes. The timing window for that ability is only when the hostile
figure enters the space in question .
Defenders of the option 1 argue that the FAQ came to prevent exploiting, since heroes can't wait the IP to declare an attack and then use "disengage", effectively negating the attack because of "Covert" ability. But, besides that, entering an empty space within 3 spaces of Mak will always trigger "disengage", since the requisites to triggering are always being met.
- Following the line of thinking from the answers I have read, people are arguing that every time a hostile figure "enters an empty space within 3 spaces" Mak can choose to add 1 strain and then exhaust "disengage", gaining the movement points. That means "disengage" will trigger every time a hostile figure move into an empty space within 3 spaces from Mak, leaving him with enormous choices of placement, effectively boosting a 1xp skill.
- On the other hand, there is an assumption that the FAQ came to resolve this conflict. There is an understanding, at least for a few of us, wich the term "right away" of the FAQ was meant to be like this: "the first time a hostile figure enters a space within 3 spaces of you, gain 3 movement points". It came more clearly after reading the FAQ answer from the game designer (see the bolded parts above). So, when entering an space within 3 spaces, you have to decide right away if you are exhausting "disengage" or not, or else Mak lose the trigger timing.
The followers of option 2 however, stand with other perspective. After reaching an empty space within 3 spaces of Mak, if the hero spends 1 move point more to enter an empty space further, wouldn't him be disobeying the "right away" directive? In this case, wouldn't be the timing window mistakenly expanded?
Triggering "disengage" when a hostile figure declares an attack is not possible. The timing windows are completely different than "enters a space within 3 spaces". So, the exploit is the speculation itself.
Spending a new movement point/"moving into an empty space" to reach an empty space further within 3 spaces of Mak, means that the timing on wich he could trigger "disengage" was gone, since entering "the empty space within 3 spaces of Mak" was a condition already met, and the hero choose not to trigger the skill. Indeed, once you reach "an empty space within 3 spaces" of Mak you have to choose whether or not to exhaust "disengage". By choosing not to exhaust, the timing window "only when the hostile figure enters the space in question" is gone and moving further into empty spaces inside the 3 space radius within Mak will no longer trigger "disengage" again.
On the other hand, I have to agree that the FAQ is poorly written, and both concepts have a point.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
But where it could be useful to wait is when it's a melee figure like a royal guard or nexu. Wait until the figure is in attack range and used most of its movement points and then move away.
Edited by neosmagusYes, the wording on the FAQ is not fully satisfactory. As long as Disengage is ready , Mak makes the decision for every space a hostile figure enters within 3 spaces, when that space is entered. (Either explicitly by declaring it, or implicitly by not interrupting.)
Updated information (Tournament legal maps) and links on main post.
Updated tournament links and newest map rotation. (Rules FAQ link will be updated as soon as it posts to the public).
Good to know:
QuoteYou can play Element of Surprise on an attack outside of the figure’s activation. When this happens, you would check if the target had line of sight to the attacker at the start of the current activation. If this happens during Start of Round or End of Round effects, it checks for line of sight at the start of that effects step.Hope that helps!
Some recent question responses
Edited by frotes
FAQ updated with new posted FAQ link, effective 4-12-2017 and with updated tournament rules, and map rotations.
Edited by FizzDONE AND DONE!!!! Thanks for the heads up!
Sent in a question about the Disorient command card a while back and got this as a response today.
Rules Question:
We had a question about the Disorient Command Card. If the figure being targeted has 2 beneficial conditions (Focus and Hide), which player decides which condition is removed?
The player that played Disorient chooses which condition to discard. (The implied “you” in the sentence has rules meaning in this case.)
Hope that helps!
Todd Michlitsch
Game Developer
Fantasy Flight Games
I have a question about Urgency and Nal Hutta Swamps, its clear for me that movement points gained as special action have to be spaded immediately, and cant be interrupted by other action for example attack.
Therefore something like this is not possible)
Urgency(2 + 4 from unit speed)
>--3 movement point to move
>-- 3 movement points to move
But can it be transferred for a crate and 2 VP on Nal Hutta Swamp (B) ? so for example
Urgency(2 + 4 from unit speed)
>>2 movement point to move
>>2 movement point for claim crate and gain 2 VP
>> 2 movement points to move
Then other actions.
Yes you can... it's still the same action and you're just spending the point... With Urgency, you just can't "bank" the movement points to use later.
As long as you use them all during that one action it should be OK.
Depends on the mission rule. If spending movement points for an effect is "During your activation", then you can't spend the movement points from Urgency, because during your activation abilities cannot be performed during actions. Raining Freight doesn't have that, it only required you to be adjacent to a crate, so claiming crates for 2mp during Urgency is ok.
Edited by a1bert
Updated links to new Tournament regulations and legal skirmish maps (too lazy to look up which packs they are from right now).