Fair 'nuff.
Official FAQ and Current Tournament Maps
Well, yeah, all elites can perform might, tech, and insight tests and always receive 1 success, so what is the point of this ability? Is Artoo intended to score 2 successes on tech tests, one for being elite and a second for this ability?
Allies can not voluntarily perform attribute tests, only when they are forced too (by Stun Grenades for instance). R2 can also perform tech tests voluntarily, enabling him to complete mission objectives (which other allies usually can't).
Main post edited to include current FAQ link and explanation of Royal Guard, Imperial Officer and Rebel Saboteur changes.
As I'm new to the forums I'd might have missed this, but will there be new replacement cards that FFG will distribute for the Imperial Officer, Royal Guard and Rebel Saboteur?
I don't know what FFG's policy normally is in these cases.
As I'm new to the forums I'd might have missed this, but will there be new replacement cards that FFG will distribute for the Imperial Officer, Royal Guard and Rebel Saboteur?
I don't know what FFG's policy normally is in these cases.
Replacement cards will be made available in the 2016 tournament kits as common cards (meaning all attendees should be able to get at least one per tournament).
Source email:
Thank you for contacting Fantasy Flight Games! We appreciate you taking the time to write us regarding the errata, concerning the cards found within the recent Imperial Assault FAQ. We appreciate the feedback and we to love hear the various viewpoints from all of our customers and fans. We thank you for the support you have shown us to date and we love the fact that you are enjoying the creative work that we’ve made. We wouldn’t be here without end users and players such as yourself.
While we understand where you are coming from, and keeping in line with current company standing and precedents, we currently have no plans at this point to provide full replacements of these cards in a stand alone product and/or replacement packs.
What we are planning on doing is providing these cards in our Organized Play products, such as, Tournament Kits and/or Store Champions. Please do not worry about the availably of them within, as we plan on offering them as the more common card. So, as the 2016 year unfolds, please head down to your local game store and request that they host and run our Organized Play events. If they are in need of Tournament Kits, they can contact their distributor and order these products through them or contact us directly to acquire it. If they run in to any issues, or have problems, please have them reach out to our sales team at Sales@FantasyFlightGames.com or they can contact us directly at CustomerService@FantasyFlightGames.com.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and appreciate your understanding and support. As always, please contact us directly if you have any further questions or concerns.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
May the Force be with you.
Fantasy Flight Games Customer Service Team
Per FFG, MHD-19 can use his Miracle Worker command card on himself.
Per FFG, MHD-19 can use his Miracle Worker command card on himself.
Can I get a source please? And I will update the FAQ.
FAQ Updated for Urgency and Close and Personal
Question on "Rebel Saboteurs" deployment cards:
Grop Limit on cards is 2, but in rules sheet there is a comment: "you can only summon 1 regular and 1 elite unit, regardless of the number of copies of this addon"
so, there is obiously an error.
the question is - error on cards, or in the rules?
There is no group limit on the card. Thats the number of figures in a group. The 1/1 rule is only for campaign.
Your 'unit' probably means a deployment group. A deployment group can have from 1 to 3 figures.
In the campaign you are generally limited to one core box and one copy of each expansion, with the two exceptions this far:
- you can only use 2 regular and 1 elite Stormtrooper group even if you buy the Stormtrooper villain pack
- you can use both deployment cards from the Hired Guns villain pack, i.e. two packs worth of figures (2 + 2 figures).
Edited by a1bert
Per FFG, MHD-19 can use his Miracle Worker command card on himself.
Can I get a source please? And I will update the FAQ.
In the RRG under "Friendly Figure" bullet one, page 13 it says,
"A figure is friendly to itself"
So as long as Miracle Worker doesn't say "when another friendly figure besides yourself" wouldn't that mean it could be used on himself?
Actually, the phrase "another friendly" should be enough to exclude "self".
Edited by FizzActually, the phrase "another friendly" should be enough to exclude "self".
I agree. But miracle worker says "when a friendly figure within three spaces" - not "another". Wouldn't "a" include the one using it as well? I also feel this is supported by the fact that his healing ability is usable on himself as well.
"Medical Loadout - special action - "you or an adjacent friendly figure recovers 3 damage"
The phrase "a friendly" includes "self".
Looking at the errata on Field Officer/Field General, you can see the difference between "Choose *a* friendly figure" (which is what is written on the card) and "Choose *another* friendly figure" (the errata), since this card was never intended for a figure to "order" itself.
The phrase "a friendly" includes "self".
Looking at the errata on Field Officer/Field General, you can see the difference between "Choose *a* friendly figure" (which is what is written on the card) and "Choose *another* friendly figure" (the errata), since this card was never intended for a figure to "order" itself.
Right, so unless they change the wording on miracle worker it includes MHD. He can keep himself from dying. That's what I was trying to say. Originally was pointing out where the rrg gave info on it to help. That's all. I never thought he couldn't use it on himself for the above reasons. I did think it was weird at first though.
Per FFG, MHD-19 can use his Miracle Worker command card on himself.
Can I get a source please? And I will update the FAQ.
I told Paul it wasn't important and I guess he took me up on the offer:
Yes, MHD-19 can use the Miracle Worker (Command Card) on himself.Also, yes if your Command deck is empty you lack the secondary resource to cancel the strain and must take it as damage.Thanks!
Does Verena's Improvised Cover work for each adjacent enemy or only 1?
Does Verena's Improvised Cover work for each adjacent enemy or only 1?
(This isnt the thread for questions, only answers.)
Abilities can only be triggered once per timing instance, so Improvised Cover applies +1 block if there are any adjacent hostile figures other than the attacker. Choose one of them to suffer 1 dmg.
Edited by a1bertLink updated for newest FAQ.
I asked this of the FFG Rules contact:
What happens when a figure is Stunned while moving through another figure's space? This came up due to Parting Blow; a figure was moving through an occupied space, and when they attempted to exit a Royal Guard played Parting Blow and Stunned the figure. The figure can't voluntarily leave the square nor perform actions while in the occupied square, per my understanding of the rules. We played it that the figure had to go to the nearest unoccupied space, similar to if a Massive figure had occupied their space. In this case the figure had already used its other activation, but if they had not, could they clear the Stun and then spend the rest of their movement points?
And the answer:
Yes, if a figure unexpectedly loses the ability to exit a space while in an occupied space, that figure is pushed to the nearest empty space. Its movement points would not be forfeited though, in this case, so if it was able to clear stun, it could still spend any remaining movement points.
Paul Winchester
Game Developer
Fantasy Flight Games
FAQ updated for Awkward query.
Stun/Push/Space query still pending edits.
Question answered about the command card 'Covering Fire' - Use at the start of a round. During this round, each of your Troopers gains: [sURGE]: Stun. If the target was already stunned, apply +2{DMG] to the attack results.
Q: What happens when attacker rolls 3 damage and a surge, and a stunned defender rolls 3 block?
Can the attacker apply the +2 damage to get 2 damage through? Or, since it was not able to apply the stun because all the dice damage was blocked, would it be prevented from adding the +2 damage?
A: This is a very interesting interaction! In this case, the +2 damage would be applied.
The ability from Covering Fire isn't actually an either/or. It has two effects:
Apply Stun (as a keyword)
(If the target is Stunned) apply +2 [damage] to the attack results
Needing to have dealt damage is only important for applying the Stun condition, not for resolving any other parts of that [surge] ability.
Can you PM me the original email?
Edited by Fizz