Official FAQ and Current Tournament Maps

By Fizz, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

I asked a similar question about the Royal Guard Champion in a different mission with very similar mission rules (one action after each hero, instead of a "normal activation"). FFG's official response was:

When a figure activates in this capacity, each of those actions contains its own separate “start” and “end” of activation and resets the activation count. So, Jyn can Quick Draw the RGC when it takes one of those actions and it may use Brutality as often as it wishes using those actions.

So Jyn can use Quick Draw on Vader in that context, since each action counts as its own activation. Unfortunately for Vader, he can't use Brutality four times per round the way RGC can in the other mission, because Vader's rule says "move 2 spaces and make an attack" which forbids special actions such as Brutality or Force Choke.

@ taleden

Thanks for the response. I thought that is what made to most sense.

Quick question I'm having a hard time finding an answer to:

If Jyn gets attacked after her activation for the turn is over, and she gains movement points with Nimble, when does she get to use them? Does she just bank them until her next activation? All the other interrupt-driven movement abilities explicitly state to move the character in response, but this one only says she gains movement points which I'm pretty sure you can't use until you've activated.

Thanks for any help or insight you can provide!

Check pg20 of the RRG under Movement Points

If a figure gains movement points when it's not it's activation, those movement points must be spent immediately as interrupt or be lost.

The same goes for if you gain movement points through a special action. (RRG pg3 Actions)

Ah! Thanks! I have no idea how I missed that :)

I played my first game tonight and have a question about wounded hero's. The rules state that a hero wounded during their activation immediately loses any remaining actions that turn, but what if the hero is wounded before their activation for the turn? Do they still lose their actions? Or do they activate as normal as if nothing had happened?

I played my first game tonight and have a question about wounded hero's. The rules state that a hero wounded during their activation immediately loses any remaining actions that turn, but what if the hero is wounded before their activation for the turn? Do they still lose their actions? Or do they activate as normal as if nothing had happened?

The rule is only if a figure is defeated during its activation, its activation immediately ends. So if your hero is defeated to the wounded side outside of its activation, you can activate as normal and take your two actions.

The rule is only if a figure is defeated during its activation, its activation immediately ends. So if your hero is defeated to the wounded side outside of its activation, you can activate as normal and take your two actions.

You can find this under the Defeated section in the RRG, pg. 10:

"If a figure is defeated during its activation, its activation immediately ends."

Hey guys I just started building the new maps and noticed that both new maps are missing tiles on the chart: Royal Guard 36A and IG88 36B. I know this has been stated before and should be addressed in the FAQ just want to give you guys a heads up now.

Any idea why the link to the FAQ doesn't work?

Seems to be working fine for me. Perhaps the site was experiencing issues?

Hi I'm pretty confused about the Rest Action for campaign rebel heroes. Looked on BGG and in these forums and it still seems somewhat unclear.

Does this allow the Rebels to heal up to their Endurance?

Are they able to do this Twice?

The section on page 8 "Suffering and Recovering" says damage is recovered if you recover "in excess" of the number of strain tokens.

Is it a requirement to recover Strain tokens 1st in order to recover Damage tokens?

In other words, can a hero recover health if he has zero strain?

Hi I'm pretty confused about the Rest Action for campaign rebel heroes. Looked on BGG and in these forums and it still seems somewhat unclear.

Does this allow the Rebels to heal up to their Endurance?

Are they able to do this Twice?

The section on page 8 "Suffering and Recovering" says damage is recovered if you recover "in excess" of the number of strain tokens.

Is it a requirement to recover Strain tokens 1st in order to recover Damage tokens?

In other words, can a hero recover health if he has zero strain?

"Does this allow the Rebels to heal up to their Endurance?"


"Are they able to do this Twice?"

Yes. There is no limit that only allows rest to be used once per round.

Is it a requirement to recover Strain tokens 1st in order to recover Damage tokens?

It is not required to have Strain in the first place to use the rest action. When doing so, the Hero recovers Damage to an equal amount of his Endurance. The wording is used to indicate that if the Hero does have Strain, this strain gets discaded first. The Hero can not chose to only discard Damage with a rest when he also has Strain.

@Fizz: Please add in post #1.

Does Provoke prevent passing?

If I provoke a unit of my opponent and he could pass, would he be allowed to pass and activate the provoked figure with his next activation or does the "must" in provoke prevents the opponent from passing?

Wow, didn't read all the answers but here is the official ffg statement.

Here is our developer’s reply:

Provoke would override the ability to pass because the targeted figure would still be able to activate. So, the player who had been “Provoked” would not be allowed to pass.

Thank you,

Megan Duehn

Edited by DerBaer


“To the Limit” must be played immediately after the special action is performed, so your Scenario 1 would not be legal.


Paul Winchester
Creative Content Developer
Fantasy Flight Games

My initial mail:

Rules Question:

We were talking about the Command Card "To the Limit" in my gaming group and came to the conclusion that the card can be read two different ways. Which of the following ways are the correct way to understand the card.

Scenario 1: Gideon uses an action to do "On My Mark" Action 2 is used to move up to 4 spaces. Plays "To The Limit" Action 3 is used to do "Tactical Maneuver" on a friendly model. Becomes Stunned.

Scenario 2: Gideon uses an action to do "On My Mark" Plays "To The Limit" Action 2 is used to do "Tactical Maneuver" on a friendly model. Action 3 is used to move up to 4 spaces. Becomes Stunned.

Does the card "To the Limit" have to be played right after a special action or anytime during an activation?

Jesper I think the second scenario is also not legal. With the 3rd action you BUY the 4 movement points. Then the action is done. Now you get stunned. Now is your timing window to spend those movement points but you can't because you are stunned.

Edited by Baer

Clearly Paul did not find the scenario illegal. I think you don't get Stunned until your activation ends.

By the wording of the card, you become stunned after the additional action is resolved.

By the wording of the card, you become stunned after the additional action is resolved.

This is correct. With your interpretation you could do something like this :

- Special Action

- To The Limit Action

- Another Action

-Then get stunned

If you would get stunned at the end of the activation it would say so on the card.

The figure becomes Stunned immediately following the use of “To the Limit.”

Clarification from Paul. So you guys I right and it also make the most sense :)

Edited by jespernohr

Yes immediatly after the use of to the limit. But the action is buying movement points. Not spending them. So your scenario 2 is still not legal.

Edit: from the RRG Movement Page 19:

Performing a move does not move the figure; it only provides
movement points that may be spent during that figure’s
Edited by Baer

FAQ link updated.

RE: R2-D2 campaign card

Computer Interface Arm: You can perform [tech] tests on objects on which heroes can perform [tech] tests (elite figures receive 1 success).

Well, yeah, all elites can perform might, tech, and insight tests and always receive 1 success, so what is the point of this ability? Is Artoo intended to score 2 successes on tech tests, one for being elite and a second for this ability?

EDIT: submitted to the rules question link in Fizz's sig.

Edited by paladin2019

R2 can perform tech tests even in missions where normally only heroes can attempt tests.