Official FAQ and Current Tournament Maps

By Fizz, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

OK. so back to Mak's Disengage.. Can he still perform this if he has already activated this round?? (Meaning has already moved and fired). I was under the impression that once a figure has activated, it was done and unable to move voluntarily.

And if so, then could the Imperial Officer's "Command" ability be used on an exhausted Imperial unit??

Edited by Kennyjman

Yes on both counts. Other game effects can give a figure movement, attack or other special rules both outside activation, and after they are exhausted.

The actual official FAQ is posted now:

All pretty straightforward rulings, no real surprises, but I did note the use of the word "empty" when describing the spaces that a door is considered to occupy for purposes of attacking, abilities and counting spaces. That seems to imply that if figures are standing in all of the spaces immediately next to the door, then the door does not actually occupy any of those spaces, since they're not empty.

They did FAQ reach to include Objects. Yay!

Is there anyway we could get the mod to add this as a sticky?

Edited by Jonnyb815

Been trying with the webmaster. He/she seems busy.

Still trying to get this pinned. Anyone know who we have to contact. Webmaster has been a dead end.



Edited by Jonnyb815


Edited by Jonnyb815


Edited by Jonnyb815

Updated. Thanks for the Private Messages!

Just received this response from the FAQ team in regards to the "Prison Break" skirmish mission:


The freeing playing will never only receive VP's as long as the prisoner is alive (ie. on the map)

I'm lazy, can you PM me that text so i can copy/paste? I will add it to the first line of FAQ.

I'm lazy, can you PM me that text so i can copy/paste? I will add it to the first line of FAQ.

Thy biding is my law, Master

I'm lazy, can you PM me that text so i can copy/paste? I will add it to the first line of FAQ.

Thy biding is my law, Master

Patience my friend. The FAQ will come to you, and you will bring it before me. The FAQ has become powerful. Only together can we turn it to the Dark Side of the Force.

Edited by Fizz

I asked FFG about the behavior of Gaarkhan's XP upgrade that grants him Cleave independent of his weapon, in the case that he has both a melee and a ranged weapon on-hand. Their response, quoted by permission:

There’s a couple different possible scenarios here. In each scenario, the restriction to Cleave is that the figure that gets hit by the Cleave damage must be an eligible target for the attack that you are performing.

So, if Gaarkhan performs an attack with a ranged weapon and triggers cleave, the cleave damage can be dealt to any figure in line of sight and within the accuracy results of that attack.
If Gaarkhan performs an attack with a melee weapon and triggers cleave, the cleave damage can only be dealt to someone you could target with that weapon (adjacent if normal, within 2 spaces if reach), regardless of whether Gaarkhan has a ranged weapon with him.

So it actually IS allowed to use "cleave" on a ranged attack, with the only restriction that the secondary cleave target must also be in LOS and within the rolled accuracy range of the original primary attack. But that target could still be on the opposite side of Gaarkhan than the primary target, which makes for a really weird mental image. I don't know what "cleave" even means in that case, since it seems to imply that a single blaster bolt did a 180' and hit somebody else.

Reach is listed on the weapon, correct? I don't recall any other way to gain Reach. This would indicate to me that Reach is only applicable to the use of the weapon, so if you are bashing a door or destroying a terminal, sure. If you are interacting with a door or terminal, reach has no effect and you must be adjacent.

Reach is listed on the weapon, correct? I don't recall any other way to gain Reach. This would indicate to me that Reach is only applicable to the use of the weapon, so if you are bashing a door or destroying a terminal, sure. If you are interacting with a door or terminal, reach has no effect and you must be adjacent.

I agree

Reach is listed on the weapon, correct? I don't recall any other way to gain Reach.

Gaarkhan's 2XP card "Ferocity" reads


When you declare an

attack while you are

Focused, add 1 red die to

your attack pool instead

of 1 green die. This attack

also gains:

surge: Cleave 1 damage

This technically works with ranged weapons.

is it do-able to use his special ability card: "Flurry of blades"? (which is a double Special) and follow with "Push the Limit" getting 4 attacks?

You could use To the limit after Flurry of Blades but you could not use that action on an attack since you have already performed an attack. RGC does not have assault and Flurry of Blades specifically states to take 3 attacks. Its not like Assault which allows multiple attacks.

You could use To the limit after Flurry of Blades but you could not use that action on an attack since you have already performed an attack. RGC does not have assault and Flurry of Blades specifically states to take 3 attacks. Its not like Assault which allows multiple attacks.


Not sure I follow your logic

the "To the limit" card stats: " preform 1 ADDITONAL action"

there doesn't seem to be any kind of limiting indication....

could I then do "Brutality" ?

From the Skirmish Guide:

Attacking: Figures can only use of their actions to attack per activation. This includes special actions that involve performing one or more attacks (such as the Nexu's Pounce or Darth Vader's Brutality)

So unless a card or ability is giving you a way to attack multiple times you are restricted to one attack per the rules. Flurry of Blades breaks this rule and allows you to attack 3 times. To the limit allows an extra action but does not break the rule of only 1 attack per activation. So no you could not use Brutality after using Flurry of Blades.

I'd like some clarification on Jyn's cheap shot.

Ok, so in "Last Stand" we ran up against Vader. I was playing Jyn. Vader's rules in the mission say: "Instead of activating normally, Vader may move 2 spaces and make an attack after each heroes turn." Members of my group contended that Jyn's cheap shot interrupt can not be used because they take Vader's rules to mean he doesnt activate and thus can't trigger cheap shot. We played it that way but afterwards I looked over the rules and I think the "instead of activating normally" statement means that Vader does still activate, just out of turn, and thus cheap shot could still be used (still only once per Jyn's activation token).

Just wondering what other people think.