Campaign Questions

By Matroskin, in Imperial Assault Campaign

I've been taking my boys through a campaign, and there's a few questions I'm not totally sure of:

1) When the mission has a trigger point that deploys more Imperials (such as a door opening or a certain number of mission tokens collected), do the new arrivals deploy ready (and able to act that turn) or exhausted? They are entering as an interrupt to the normal sequence of deployment.

I've done it both ways, just not sure of the proper way to do it.

2) There are some missions where characters whose health based on the threat level. I'm thinking of Temptation (Vader) and Homecoming (Luke).

In Temptation, Vader's health is equal to twice the threat level. Is that the current threat level (dial) or the threat level of the mission (It was the first side mission they did-- 2). I played it based on the dial, so the motivation was to not deploy too many new troops to keep Vader's health higher.

In Homecoming, Luke's is increased by 2x threat level. Again, is this the mission's threat level (which will be 4, doubled to 8)? It wouldn't seem right to make it based on the dial at all in this case.


1 - They come in ready to rock.

2 - Don't take my word for it as I have not gotten to that mission. But based on what you have provided here, I would say threat level of the mission. As I don't think during the mission the amount of threat you have is considered the "threat level" because some triggers will say "Increase Threat by the current Threat Level". If you have 6 threat, and the mission is Threat level 3, you will increase Threat by 3.. Not 6.

I however could be wrong on number 2.

Edited by Kilazar

I don't have the Temptation mission in front of me, but if I recall, they are talking about Vader getting bonus base health equal to twice the threat level of the mission (which is the base threat you generate per turn, not the amount of threat you have). In your case, Vader would get +4 health since the Threat Level is 2.

Generally, when the missions say "Threat Level" they are talking about the amount of threat you generate every turn, based on how far into the campaign you are.

In Temptayion Vaders health in that case would be 4. It's not bonus health

I'm gonna have to look at that mission. Vader normally has 16 health, wonder what the justification for only giving him TL*2 is?

#2. I screwed this up as well in my campaign.

I had the same mindset you did, save up all my threat and boom..Vader will be unstoppable!....but that's not right. If you look either in the RRG, or the LTP guide, the difference between 'threat' and 'threat lvl' is explained.

Threat: is what you accumulate on your dial.


Threat Lvl: is what is dictated on the campaign log for each mission.

I felt guilty and allowed my group to have the lightsaber for my mistake...and I've been regretting it ever since.

I'm gonna have to look at that mission. Vader normally has 16 health, wonder what the justification for only giving him TL*2 is?

It's because they drew the mission early on in the campaign when the threat lvls. are still low. If it would have been later his health could have been much much higher!

Right, but 4 total health for Vader? You're telling me he can be one-shotted? Even in a round 6 mission, his health is lower than his base health. What the hell is going on in this mission? Did the rebels replace all his air canisters with nitrous and every time he breathes in he passes out?

He pops out pretty late in the mission, the rebels are under time pressue and with two black die with reroll he is not going to be one shotted in the second mission of a campaigm even with 4 hp


in the mission it is not really Vader but a "ghost" of him

Edited by Hatting

Also, doesn't the rest of the mission have some pretty serious adversaries, too?

Right, but 4 total health for Vader? You're telling me he can be one-shotted? Even in a round 6 mission, his health is lower than his base health. What the hell is going on in this mission? Did the rebels replace all his air canisters with nitrous and every time he breathes in he passes out?

Its suppose to resemble that scene in Empire strikes back where Luke goes in the cave during his training and lops Vader's head off with no problem. All the flavor mission text is very eerie and kinda sets the mood just like that scene from the movie...also I'm pretty sure it says he is an apparition of some kind.

Yes, Vader is an apparition. And despite only having Threat x2 HP, he's still a tough nut with his 2 black defence die and Brutality!

Oh, very kewl, I'll have to read that one tonight.

So, I read Temptation. This is an AWESOME mission.

I almost want to let my rebel players win it...almost.

Thanks for all the feedback. It helps.

Temptation was fun. I've been playing with my boys (9&7), so they freaked out when the door opened and Vader was there. Even though I played with his health being 2x current threat level, they managed alright (since they cleared everything else off the table, and I'm playing to have fun more than being out to get them). They're learning that if there are any doors or mission objectives that involve "the mission continues when..." to be prepared for something bad to jump out at them.

Thanks for all the feedback. It helps.

Temptation was fun. I've been playing with my boys (9&7), so they freaked out when the door opened and Vader was there. Even though I played with his health being 2x current threat level, they managed alright (since they cleared everything else off the table, and I'm playing to have fun more than being out to get them). They're learning that if there are any doors or mission objectives that involve "the mission continues when..." to be prepared for something bad to jump out at them.

That's awesome! I can imagine the surprise when Vader pops out! My group was just pissed, casue they think I should have told them that was coming. I can't wait til my daughters old enough to play games with her dear old man.

Edited by slaptac

That's awesome! I can imagine the surprise when Vader pops out! My group was just pissed, casue they think I should have told them that was coming. I can't wait til my daughters old enough to play games with her dear old man.

Don't worry when you daughter someday says:

"You've failed, society. I am a gamer, like my father before me!"

That's just a sign of good parenting.

Don't worry when you daughter someday says:

"You've failed, society. I am a gamer, like my father before me!"

"So be it, Gamer !"

[A cascade of Cheetos and deluge of Mountain Dew envelopes the unsuspecting gamer.]

Awesome to the max!