All Agro

By vice3, in Hollow Bastion

Choitz said:

*scoots up me chair 'n pokes a few marshmallows on a stick*

*holds stick out over flame war 'n roots around for the chocolate 'n graham crackers*

Woo! Smores time!

*munch munch munch* Hey, anyone wanna smore? They is good.

Choitz , you have the most awesome posts, ever. <3

Choitz said:

*scoots up me chair 'n pokes a few marshmallows on a stick*

*holds stick out over flame war 'n roots around for the chocolate 'n graham crackers*

Woo! Smores time!

*munch munch munch* Hey, anyone wanna smore? They is good.

My mallow burnt, may I have another?

Choitz said:

*scoots up me chair 'n pokes a few marshmallows on a stick*

*holds stick out over flame war 'n roots around for the chocolate 'n graham crackers*

Woo! Smores time!

*munch munch munch* Hey, anyone wanna smore? They is good.

There better be some good chocolate, or Dawn will be sad. -_-

Sluppie said:

You ain't gotta like me.

On to other matters...

Well, I don't know how the word "cheap" was being used here, but when someone says that something is "cheap" it's usually just because it beat them and they didn't like losing to it... In this case, they are NOT accepting the loss and are instead belittling the other player who actually did better in the game.

In forums I've been to in the past, this is considered a bad attitude and people who do this are typically called scrubs.

Sure, it's true that if there is one tactic that is unbeatable and causes the game to degenerate into "use this tactic or lose", it DOES tend to "suck the fun out of the game."

But that's always the fault of the game, and never the fault of the player. Unless of course the tactic is formally banned beforehand by tournament organizers.

Well I think we've established that your definition of "cheap" is not the same as ours.

Cheap to us, refers to an easy way out, an easy victory because you can't think of anything better, your simply playing to win. But I would never even think of calling an opponent cheap...I would be referring to their deck, not them personally, this is where the difference and your complete and utter misunderstanding comes in. I'll gladly accept the loss to a deck like that, as aggravating as it is, and think of how I can play around it, or ask them why they run what they do. To say they did "better" in the game is a bit relative see "better" as simply winning, I see "better" as combos, smart plays, intelligent deck building, not taking the easy route to victory, challenging myself and so on. Games are more gratifying that way and will earn respect from your peers, which is something everyone wants whether they want to admit it or not.

As you'll find, or have already found, we are not like other forums. We very strongly dislike a-hole players like yourself who want to come in here and act like they own the place and know more than anyone about every faccet of this game. We enjoy talking with players who want to discuss and become better, who are open to suggestion and discussion, who have a good attitude and help out this community. This is not a place to flaunt your ego. The meaning behind the video games this card game is based on runs deep in this community...we protect our friends from people like you, as you've seen. There was no butt kissing going on as you was simply a group of friends fighting a common enemy.

It's best you learn this stuff now.

~Mr. Dawn

*munch munch munch*

Plenty of mallows to go around, Sora Y. Has a couple.

'N the chocolate is the REALLY GOOD kind, Dawn.

*munch munch munch*

Though, methinks I could go for some milk, too...


Roxas said:


Ah, I zee. Youz haz had it before, ya? Ze chocolate, zhe iz good, no?

*munch munch munch* Zmorze are ze bezt. Ezpecially over an open phyre.

Tsk, the fire's dying out. Somebody throw another pointless, badly thought-out argument on it whilst I fetch my acoustic guitar.

Truffles is dumb because he thinks I am wrong. *tosses*

Sora_Yagami said:

Truffles is dumb because he thinks I am wrong. *tosses*

Mr. Moon is stupid because I know I am right.

Trothael said:

Sora_Yagami said:

Truffles is dumb because he thinks I am wrong. *tosses*

Mr. Moon is stupid because I know I am right.

Mr. face is wrong because he isn't right

Sora_Yagami said:

Trothael said:

Sora_Yagami said:

Truffles is dumb because he thinks I am wrong. *tosses*

Mr. Moon is stupid because I know I am right.

Mr. face is wrong because he isn't right


Trothael said:

Sora_Yagami said:

Trothael said:

Sora_Yagami said:

Truffles is dumb because he thinks I am wrong. *tosses*

Mr. Moon is stupid because I know I am right.

Mr. face is wrong because he isn't right


But since your post is off topic then you are wrong. But since you are both wrong and right, then what is right is now wrong and what is wrong is now right. Isn't that right [wrong]?

Hey, the fire's blazing again!

*Spears a couple marshmallows on a stick and toasts them* That right/wrong smoke really adds to the flavour.

Thanks for the marshmallows!

*eats Truffle's marshmallows*

*cough* *hack* What did you do to these?!?! *cough*

*lays unconscious on the floor*

Card_Breaker said:

Thanks for the marshmallows!

*eats Truffle's marshmallows*

*cough* *hack* What did you do to these?!?! *cough*

*lays unconscious on the floor*

Dude...those were 'marshmallows', not marshmallows...

Hey....when did we throw Spam on the fire?


Ever since it was the easiest thing to find, 'n best thing to burn?

*munch munch*

Okay, I got to page 3, which is where this thread degenerated into a quote-tossing flame war, so I skipped to page 5 where there is marshmellow discussion... anyhow, back on topic, I actually enjoy having WR as part of the game. My friend usually runs a WR, and it's fun for me to be the "bad guy" and try and beat him into submission and generally muck around with his little Sunday jaunt through the Worlds :)

My first and only other really serious collectible card game was Magic The Gathering (I started back in Antiquities and ended after Legends, which should tell you how long it's been since I played a CCG) which had no other option but to beat each other to death.

I do agree that two pure WR decks with no Dark cards whatsoever would be really dull.

I finally got my first Dark Player card so now I really get to be a bad guy :)


Zeede said:

Okay, I got to page 3, which is where this thread degenerated into a quote-tossing flame war, so I skipped to page 5 where there is marshmellow discussion...

Such is the epic of our flame wars. It's a shame it's not like it used to be back in the day...

Zeede said:

his little Sunday jaunt through the Worlds

For some reason, this made me think of Sora wearing a bowler hat and suit, taking high tea whilst passing over Atlantica.

I've only just started playing recently, and the people I've played against aren't exactly top tier, but from what I've seen, WR seemed like a generally better way to go. In the 5-6 games I've played, I've only been knocked out by an aggro deck once, and that was mostly due to poor playing on my part. Personally, I enjoy the bump in Aggro, because I think it's a more interactive way to play, but I can understand why people could like WR, too. My deck's a bit of a hybrid, so I can play either way as the situation requires, thus I've won both via aggroing and WRing, and I've always preferred the aggro method.

But that's just me.

Nah, Cerberus ,,,pretty much killed it.

Monstro level 1 should have killed it....but Cerberus and Cave of Wonders Guardian definitely did.

Once people realize this we can move on.