Well, here is the flip to Wisdom form, You could potential make a 4 card discard off Simba lvl 3 so if you could discard Wisdom Form at any point I could see a Wisdom Form/Simba combo and then Valor Form out in that same turn or in the next turn.
All Agro
WR won't be as good or competitively viable imo but no one ever agrees with me
=============Off topic due to blatant personal attacks======================
WayToTheDawn said:
*Whiney Imitation of most people on these boards*
WR can easily beat aggro by using good heal cards like Tinkerbell, I can have so much HP by the time I reach 13, that I could feed it all to my Mushu level 4, and take you in a challenge. *snort*
If you want to say that WR is a lame win condition, you just sound like a weak player...play this game to win, not to be good at it.
Wow that's a direct attack on me if I ever saw one. Seeing as how almost everything you imitated is some kind of strange perversion of something I've said before. Do you honestly think I'm a WR-only player? Honestly? I've made Dark WR Decks, Dark Aggro/Control Decks, Dark WR/Aggro Decks, Light WR Decks, Light Aggro/Monstro Decks, Light Aggro/Control Decks... etc. I've also found Dark Decks that can beat a Light player using Monstro, which is (supposedly) the Dark Deck's weak point. Notice that I say Decks as in plural, as in I've made more than one of each kind listed.
You think the two decks I listed earlier are the best of what I've ever done? Honestly? Dude, it's a Dark Deck and a Theme Deck. They aren't even meant to be taken seriously.
Oh and never mind the fact that you have to be good at the game in order to (constantly) win. Playing to win = trying to be good at the game. Winning = being Good. It's the same thing.
Would you say that a car is "good" if it couldn't start? No. Would you call it good if it did? Assuming it didn't have any other problems, sure.
Would you say that a leg was "good" if you couldn't walk on it? No. Would you call it good if you could? Same as above.
Would you say that a player was "good" if he couldn't win? No. Would you call him good if he could? Depends on how often.
Would you say that a deck was "good" if you couldn't win with it? Not really. Would you call a good deck if you could? Same as above.
And if you honestly think that Cure/Tinker Bell spam is a "cheap" tactic then you've never considered how easily it can be stopped by Owl or Phil. And if you think it's foolish to do use HP gain cards because those cards are "dead draws" against a WR deck then you've never considered that Mushu can be used against Dark Cards as well. It's actually not a bad idea. Why would you even use Mushu in a challenge if you were a WR deck? Just use Sephiroth to cover your butt in challenges or, better yet, just absorb the measily 1 HP loss per turn since you're about to get another HP from the World Card you're about to play. I'm not really the poor player you try to convice yourself that I am.
But maybe you just don't understand where I'm coming from. I consider the different angles of the game because that's what I like to do. It's not about "Well I like to WR so I'll just push WR until I can make it stop being crappy"... Sure I'll play WR, but I'll just as quickly change to an Aggro deck if that's what works. Aggro is just as valid as WR to me because they're both in the rule book as win conditions. I don't really favor one over the other and I never did. Maybe I do play devil's advocate from time to time, but it's only because I know the game in detail.
But since we're doing imitations...
"Scissors is the besstest thing ever and the true spirit of the game! Only noobs use Paper because it is teh weaksauce and anyone who plays Rock is cheap and a lamer!"
You're trying too hard to make a case against me but the truth is you just don't have one. I don't know what I did to ruffle your feathers aside from state my opinion or disagree with you (this IS a forum. I kinda thought those things were allowed), but I assure you it was never my intention to offend anyone in particular...
...But this is really getting old.
======Back on topic=========
On to the point of the thread...
While Sora didn't technically ever "win" by travelling to a bunch of worlds, it IS something of a goal of his. He says, "If there are other worlds out there... I wanna see 'em all!" or something along those lines. So it... kinda.. makes sense.
But I think the REAL reason WR ever existed in the first place is this: without World Racing, how would you ever work Heartless, Villains, and Nobodies into the card game? I mean you need to do something with them right? They could've done several different things, but the truth of the matter is that this is what they did.
That said, if Aggro becomes the dominant deck type then more power to it. But WR will still have a tiny place because people who expect Aggro to dominate the scene will totally neglect to bring along Dark Cards, therefore leaving the way wide open for World Racer decks to defeat them... Even if the WR deck is actually just an Aggro Deck that has 5 level 3 World Cards in it.
But if you actually want to have a winning deck then you'll need to be able to handle both Aggro and WR, along with all of the threats that they represent, and good players will recognize this no matter what their deck type is.
And since we're talking about it, Choitz is a nice guy and his posts are very refreshing and realistic, and I've been meaning to say that for a while now.
"Y'see...I thought what I'd do was, I'd troll some idiots on the internet"
Sluppie said:
Wow that's a direct attack on me if I ever saw one. Seeing as how almost everything you imitated is some kind of strange perversion of something I've said before. Do you honestly think I'm a WR-only player? Honestly? I've made Dark WR Decks, Dark Aggro/Control Decks, Dark WR/Aggro Decks, Light WR Decks, Light Aggro/Monstro Decks, Light Aggro/Control Decks... etc. I've also found Dark Decks that can beat a Light player using Monstro, which is (supposedly) the Dark Deck's weak point. Notice that I say Decks as in plural, as in I've made more than one of each kind listed.
You think the two decks I listed earlier are the best of what I've ever done? Honestly? Dude, it's a Dark Deck and a Theme Deck. They aren't even meant to be taken seriously.
Oh and never mind the fact that you have to be good at the game in order to (constantly) win. Playing to win = trying to be good at the game. Winning = being Good. It's the same thing.
Would you say that a car is "good" if it couldn't start? No. Would you call it good if it did? Assuming it didn't have any other problems, sure.
Would you say that a leg was "good" if you couldn't walk on it? No. Would you call it good if you could? Same as above.
Would you say that a player was "good" if he couldn't win? No. Would you call him good if he could? Depends on how often.
Would you say that a deck was "good" if you couldn't win with it? Not really. Would you call a good deck if you could? Same as above.
And if you honestly think that Cure/Tinker Bell spam is a "cheap" tactic then you've never considered how easily it can be stopped by Owl or Phil. And if you think it's foolish to do use HP gain cards because those cards are "dead draws" against a WR deck then you've never considered that Mushu can be used against Dark Cards as well. It's actually not a bad idea. Why would you even use Mushu in a challenge if you were a WR deck? Just use Sephiroth to cover your butt in challenges or, better yet, just absorb the measily 1 HP loss per turn since you're about to get another HP from the World Card you're about to play. I'm not really the poor player you try to convice yourself that I am.
But maybe you just don't understand where I'm coming from. I consider the different angles of the game because that's what I like to do. It's not about "Well I like to WR so I'll just push WR until I can make it stop being crappy"... Sure I'll play WR, but I'll just as quickly change to an Aggro deck if that's what works. Aggro is just as valid as WR to me because they're both in the rule book as win conditions. I don't really favor one over the other and I never did. Maybe I do play devil's advocate from time to time, but it's only because I know the game in detail.
But since we're doing imitations...
"Scissors is the besstest thing ever and the true spirit of the game! Only noobs use Paper because it is teh weaksauce and anyone who plays Rock is cheap and a lamer!"
You're trying too hard to make a case against me but the truth is you just don't have one. I don't know what I did to ruffle your feathers aside from state my opinion or disagree with you (this IS a forum. I kinda thought those things were allowed), but I assure you it was never my intention to offend anyone in particular...
...But this is really getting old.
Y'see, I thought what I'd do was, I'd become one of those deaf-mutes, that way people would have to pass me a piece of paper if they wanted to talk to me, and eventually they'd get so sick and tired of it they'd just stop talking to me altogether
Oh my God...you actually are being the whiniest little ***** about this; EVER. If I still had my mod powers you'd have a warning here and now for creating un-necessary drama along with a swift thread lock. However, I'm not a moderator currently.
Mr. Dawn did not mention your name once, and if you'd been around as long as we have then you'd know that what he said in his imitation is arguments many people have BEFORE you came along. You are pointlessly dragging yourself into this, in some absurd idea of justice.
What on this planet gives you the right to create drama outside of the thread just to lay down a sh!tstorm? What did you expect to accomplish by making this post? Did you want to bait Mr. Dawn out and get into an un-necessary flame war? Or are you just the helpless, defenceless knight of justice who has been unfairly attacked because he's moved into the big boys playground and find out they don't play nice? We don't play nice because after 2 years we're well aware of what's cheap, what's not cheap, what the best strategies are and above all we know what it takes to be the best.
So, let's break apart your arguments for 'What makes X good if subject Y about it was in condition Z'.
Cars and legs? What do they have to do with a good player other than to badly stress your un-necessary point? I know each and every player who's skilled at this game, and they all know me, but I also know what it takes to be considered 'good' and it's not as simple as playing to win, it takes a bit more than that. I've been on these boards for nearly 2 years now, I've been here since set 1, I've seen every **** deck that was worth anything, all the best combos, all the best players and I know for a fact that if those 2 decks you posted and your general attitude around this place are anything to go by; you are not a good player at all. In fact, if I were to sum up what a good player is in 2 words then right now they would be 'Not You'.
Now, what about this: "Everything there is a perversion of something I've said before"
Yeah. You've said it and so has every other WR player since set 1 was released. We were complaining about this a long time before you even came to our attention, so how can this be some cruel mockery of everything you've said specifically and why aren't all those other whiners making stupid, long posts about how offended they are? Or are you just like every other player in the past who's causing us grief for no good reason? In fact, this is the line that cinches the post for you, and yet, I've just taken away it's only semi-good reason for existing...Now, all that's left is
an inflammatory post with no other reason to exist other than to get on our nerves.
"If you honestly thinkCure/Tinkerbell spam is a cheap tactic"
Yes, IT **** WELL IS. Obviously
never considered that before Phil came out then you had to hope you could keep a Wizard down for long enough and back in the day there was no chance of that happening, especially when Oathkeeper was still a main card. After Phil's release, you've still got plenty of time until your opponent draws that Phil to spam your health into double digits.
Playing to win and winning aren't the same thing and neither of them are what define a good player. In fact...nothing you've said are what defines a good player, and don't even think about pulling that "my opinion matters too" crud on me, because to me your opinion don't count for squat. If you want to be considered one of the good players then you'd better learn to suck it up and change your attitude around this place because if that's the way you want to act, you are not welcome here by anyone, especially me. But if you want to hang around and cause an un-necessary flame war then please, by all means go ahead; it was idiots starting threads like this that got us our moderator powers back in the day.
But maybe you just don't understand where I'm coming from. I've been playing this game so long I don't have to consider all the different angles, I just know what and where they are, so I know that Dark Aggro have a 90% failure rate, and I'm cool with that but I'm still going to run my Dark Aggro just because I enjoy playing it. Sure I'll play Dark Aggro, but I'll switch to my Light Aggro deck in a snap if I want to play competitively, however, WR isn't worth a **** to me because it's a cheap win tactic since I think just about anyone can play a couple of lockdown cards and sit back absorbing damage and healing it back whilst throwing down level 2 & 3 World cards to win a game without any player interaction other than "I win". Maybe I do play the part of the prick that old guy who's going a bit senile but everyone knows, but that's because I know this game better than you do and I've been around long enough to earn my reputation without having to cry about how everyone acts in a manner I don't like.
But since we're doing imitations...
Shut up, get over yourself and actually listen and learn from those better than you and maybe then you'll know the game in detail. You're trying to hard to show off, and it's already got on my nerves as well as other people's. Your arguments are so painfully useless...
Come back to me when you actually know what it takes to be a good player in our eyes.
On-topic though:
At the end of the day, I don't want to play a game where I stack 5-7 cards on top of each other, on occasion throwing down lock-down cards and clearing my worlds being the only real part of the TCG I'm using. Playing WR is not only too easy, too simple and until set 3 was it too OP, but it ignores huge parts of everything this TCG has to offer, whereas JoaT and Aggro can both use the whole of the TCG to it's fullest extent...Set 4 is definitely seeing the rise of Aggro which a lot of us have been expecting since set 1, and after so many months, it's a relief to finally get that boost for Aggro apart from Soul Eater and Sephi...
The Aggro power boost though, will definitely see another Aggro deck hitting the scene, one that runs pure Aggro without having to have Dark cards to slow down opponents WR.
Well, I was going to say something, but I believe my good friend Trothael beat me to it.
I'll simply add that you have to be one of the cockiest players I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot if them in my time...what's hilarious though is that your a cocky player who doesn't know a **** thing about this game...I'd understand if you were a cocky player with something interesting to add, then I would simply be disagreeing with you....but I've seen your posts on strategy, and my god, a five year old could beat you.
As Troth said, we've been playing since before Set 1, we're respected members of these forums, former Mods, and in my case a Top 4 placer at the biggest KH tournament last year....so I think you need to sit back, swallow that huge effing ego of yours and think about what we're saying for a second. As I mentioned before though, your not going to do that, I know your type...so I will sit back and let the flame war begin. Be warned that you will be against a huge group who all agree with Troth and myself.
~Mr. Dawn
It was a directed attack. You started this bull. These are facts and you cannot deny them.
The fact that you're too dense to even be aware of your own actions is amazing. The fact that OTHER PEOPLE on this forum are ALSO blind to them is even more so.
I give up. You are hopeless. You will not drop this bull. I realize this now. But I don't deserve this and I never did. I am not cocky at all. I am only trying to be helpful. Also, Roxas seemed to agree with my advice on Gargoyle, so I don't know where you're coming from about my "advice on strategy" being useless. In most cases, I only give out basic hints because anything much more complicated than that would be too spammy.
I do have one thing to add: The only time you're capable of having a civil discussion is when everyone agrees with you. As soon as you have anyone argue the point at all then you'll soon resort to petty insults. Go back and review it if you'd like. In every case, the first insult came from you. EVERY CASE. That is undeniable. That is a proven thing. There are records of this.
If you hate to argue so much then don't disagree. If you're going to disagree, be ready and able to argue. Those are your choices. You don't get to argue and yet have no one disagree with you. The world simply does not work that way. Sorry if you can't handle that.
This is the last thing I'll ever say to you directly in regards to these petty little personal attacks. You are a waste of my time.
Oh my God...you actually are being the whiniest little ***** about this; EVER. If I still had my mod powers you'd have a warning here and now for creating un-necessary drama along with a swift thread lock. However, I'm not a moderator currently.
Well maybe that's why you DON'T have mod powers. If anyone deserves a "warning" it's WayToTheDawn. Also, let me tell you something...
And I don't give a crap what it takes to be a "good player" in YOUR eyes because quite frankly YOU are not good players in MINE. Your respect doesn't mean a darn thing to me.
Sluppie said:
Who are you??? did you contribute to this game? Did you help create an archetype? Did you judge tournaments? were you a moderator on the old forums? No you just come here and say you're good but don't actually have anything to back that claim up and then whine about people calling you on it. Quit acting like you know this community because it grows apparently more and more obvious that you have no idea who we are and what WE contributed to it.
"I do have one thing to add: The only time you're capable of having a civil discussion is when everyone agrees with you. As soon as you have anyone argue the point at all then you'll soon resort to petty insults. Go back and review it if you'd like. In every case, the first insult came from you. EVERY CASE. That is undeniable. That is a proven thing. There are records of this." -Sluppie
"Spamming HP Gain cards is a cheap and lame way to "defeat" an aggro deck, and does not make WR "good"." -Waytothedawn
No. The word your looking for is "effective". It's not cheap if you can just play a Phil and an Owl and prevent that whole mess from ever happening. You don't really need magic if you're going to Aggro anyways. Cheap is just the outcry of a weak player who doesn't know how to deal with a strong tactic: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/intermediates-guide.html" -Sluppie
Ya okay buddy... He made a general statement about WR's lack of player interaction and you called him a scrub player and you resulted to be a smug player and call him a scrub. good job at tearing down your straw man but you should really take things in context.
We have no idea what kind of player you are yet you want us to respect you? Quite the double standard.
Ya see....the thing here is...I didn't personally attack you, as Trothael said, I was imitating tons of WR players, a lot of which were around WAY before you EVER were...that fact that you took it personally is a sign of your own ridiculous and unfounded ego.
Now A little history lesson: If you recall, back in the Card of the Day Thread I was discussing with a few people how I believed Cure spamming was a cheap way to win...when you proceeded to call me a weak scrub player for calling that tactic "cheap"...before this point, I had not interacted with you, or called you a name in any sort of way....so tell me again how I started all this? /end history lesson.
The reason we aren't Mods anymore is because the original forums for this game used to be seperate from the FFG site. When the FFG site changed, they brought us over and removed the old forums from existance....leaving us powerless...so please don't make accusations without knowing the facts, it just shows your ignorance even more.
I am more than happy to discuss things with people, even those who don't agree...go on over to the gummi garage right now and check out the Olympia discussion I'm having with GTrogi and Vertically Challenged...we didn't agree at all, yet we all acted civially, I don't resort to attitude unless I am provoked first (see history lesson for proof of this)...so once again, your ignorance shows...it's beginning to amaze me honestly.
And as for how you see us players like Troth and myself...we certainly don't care about your opinion whatsoever, you've shown how much of a weak player you are just by flaunting your ego around like you own the place...this is not the gaming community for egos, I've faught many an egotistical player in my time and I've ran every single one of them off, and I swear, with help from my friends, you will be no different.
I leave you with this: I'd rather have the respect of my friends and the gaming community, than a ton of free prizes and no one to share them with cause all I do is take the easy win....those that "play to win" are the most pathetic and suck the life out of a game.
~Mr. Dawn
Sluppie said:
And I don't give a crap what it takes to be a "good player" in YOUR eyes because quite frankly YOU are not good players in MINE. Your respect doesn't mean a darn thing to me.
All it takes is a basic read of your posts to see what kind of a player you are.
1.) You argue till the end, therefore this shows that you are the kind of player who will win at any costs and builds a deck accordingly, whether its cheap tricks that suck the fun out of the game.
2.) Your posts are the size of an essay, therefore you like to flaunt the fact that you know a lot (or make it sound like) about something, I'd assume you'd critique the player while the game is going on or make it sound to them like you are some being of knowledge in this game, I just get this from your post length and description, its not necesarily a bad thing, but it gets extremely annoying.
3.) You are fighting in this arguement nonstop, this shows that you are just flatout an annoying player. Personally, if I were in your situation I would've just backed down before everything became a heated fight with insults. But no, you had to go on because you were so self councious about being right.
And another thing...I've known Mr. Dawn since the game began, he has always been a respactable player and has never gone so low to put someone down unless provoked by someone. Also, Truffles (Trotheal) has been around here since before I was and he has been a respected member of this community since, and he only gets into things like this when it is truly important.
Who was the person who brought up Cure spamming?
Yeah, that was me.
You called me cheap before I ever called you scrub. Again, the attack came from you first. And calling someone cheap is WELL along the lines of calling someone a scrub. It's not all that personal. It's just a comment about someone's playstyle.
So much for your history lesson. Can't even get your facts straight.
And I never asked for your respect either. Respect isn't given. It's earned. And you haven't earned mine any more than I've earned yours. And I have no intention of trying to earn it because I really have nothing to prove concerning my personal skill of the game. All of you are some faceless, anonymous people on the internet. Your respect means nothing to me.
But I find these attacks tiring. Anyone who takes WayToTheDawn's side on this is just cluelessly kissing the butt of someone who's managed to gain some respect on this forum. The facts point to me being right. That is all.
"Spamming HP Gain cards is a cheap and lame way to "defeat" an aggro deck, and does not make WR "good"." -Waytothedawn
where in that does that say "Sluppie you are cheap"? and ya naming calling really drives your point home. It's posts like those sluppie that people think you are an arrogant whiney player, and rightfully so.
What facts sluppie? You have just proven to everyone here that you are in fact, an arrogant whiney player who has no idea what he is talking about.
Sora_Yagami said:
"Spamming HP Gain cards is a cheap and lame way to "defeat" an aggro deck, and does not make WR "good"." -Waytothedawn
where in that does that say "Sluppie you are cheap"? and ya naming calling really drives your point home. It's posts like those sluppie that people think you are an arrogant whiney player, and rightfully so.
WayToTheDawn said:
flaunting your ego around like you own the place
Aye, I think we established about a year ago that I'm the professional troll around here and I don't want some newbie stepping on my turf. I've been flaunting my ego since the dawn of FFG's take on the KH TCG. Step off mah turf or I'll set mah bears on yez! [/old_man]
"It was a directed attack. You started this bull. These are facts and you cannot deny them.
The fact that you're too dense to even be aware of your own actions is amazing. The fact that OTHER PEOPLE on this forum are ALSO blind to them is even more so."
Really? You're the only person that thinks this way. You even pointed it out in the fifth sentence that NOBODY ELSE THINKS THIS WAY NOR AGREES WITH YOU. And yes, I can deny them, as we already have done. I know it wasn't a directed attack, because I've made statements similar in the past before you joined , so were they also direct attacks at you?
"Well maybe that's why you DON'T have mod powers. If anyone deserves a "warning" it's WayToTheDawn"
No. YOU started the drama in this thread by taking something -which had nothing to do with you- personally. As for my mod powers, I know why I don't have them. I of all people should know why I don't have them. Don't even think for a second you can suggest why I don't have them.
"You called me cheap before I ever called you scrub. Again, the attack came from you first. And calling someone cheap is WELL along the lines of calling someone a scrub. It's not all that personal. It's just a comment about someone's playstyle.
So much for your history lesson. Can't even get your facts straight."
When somebody says "I don't like this playstyle", that doesn't mean "I hate you. You are a bad person. Everything about you is trash". However, you are proving the latter translation for us. Thanks for saving us some time.
"And I never asked for your respect either. Respect isn't given. It's earned. And you haven't earned mine any more than I've earned yours. And I have no intention of trying to earn it because I really have nothing to prove concerning my personal skill of the game. All of you are some faceless, anonymous people on the internet. Your respect means nothing to me. "
Yes. And you've earned the disrespect of everybody on these boards. Good luck getting any help out of us in the future and doubly good luck getting anybody on these boards to want your respect back.
As for 'faceless people on the internet', I know a good half of the people on these boards personally enough to call them my good friends. Spending the last two years as an active member of these boards has spanned more than the odd conversation outside of these boards as well, far more. Many a time I've sat down and had a nice long chat with Dawn, Roxas, Demonofturks, Ecomics and various other members of these boards, both old and new. These people most certainly aren't faceless to me, as I can put names to faces. You however; ARE NAMELESS AND FACELESS. You are nothing to us, you are nobody to us.
"But I find these attacks tiring. Anyone who takes WayToTheDawn's side on this is just cluelessly kissing the butt of someone who's managed to gain some respect on this forum. The facts point to me being right."
Cluelessly? No, thusfar we've all made very informed arguments against you . 'Some respect on this forum'? No, a lot of respect both on and off this forum, respect that he **** well deserves for being a good player and a good person, not some newfag whineing because they attracted the wrong kind of attention. Nothing points to you being right except your own arrogance.
Now take a few steps off your high horse because I'm getting annoyed at the fact that somebody on these boards has the mind to try and out-arrogant me. I've got the highest horse on these boards and it's godsdamn staying that way. You are some whiney little ***** that's spent a lot of time getting on everybody else's nerves and now you're throwing a massive tantrum because nobody's backing you up. THOSE ARE THE GODSDAMN FACTS.
tl;dr You're wrong. We're right. Nobody likes you. Deal with it or get out.
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.
That way I wouldn't have to have any goddamn stupid useless conversations with anybody.
If anybody wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me.
They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life
Glad i was able to start a heathly discussion these borad have yet to see since they've been created.
Vice said:
Glad i was able to start a heathly discussion these borad have yet to see since they've been created.
Indeed. Kudos, Vice .
Ecomics21 said:
Also, Truffles (Trotheal) has been around here since before I was and he has been a respected member of this community since, and he only gets into things like this when it is truly important.
I only just noticed this, and thought I'd point out that you're actually my senior on the FFG boards by about 20 minutes XD
Member listing. Member number/Name/Location/Date joined/Post count:
448 Ecomics21 26/12/2007 11:51:53 1378
449 Trothael Stoke-On-Trent, England 26/12/2007 12:11:36 2284
Made me laugh
No clue why.
Oh wow...I had no idea XD
Cure is somewhat of a cheap tactic and Tink is up there with it for WR. Yes you do have Owl and Phil but last I checked Owl was an easy Tidus. It's a valid strategy and would be effective in the tournaments like Gen Con, but all in all it's a rather hollow victory.
It's very easy to sit back and play world after world after world, proof of that would be when I built and aggro deck after set 3 and threw together a WR with the spare...Aggro got slaugthered time and time again. Am I a weak player, I'd like to think not; I see myself as a good player. However I could have modded that deck all day and it still would have been killed again and again. Why? Because I could only take off 2 HP 3 times through a cycle (a run through the deck which ends when the discard pile is shuffled and placed face down into the deck zone) and the WR could speed through healing cards.
Set 4 will change that for most people with the addition of Valor Form. Minus 2 each turn with two equip cards is a pretty nasty card to be againist and with Wisdom Form and Axel easily gimped for now, Aggro will have a fair shot.
Anyway, to throw my two cent in, a good player is NOT someone that wins all the time. A good player is someone who learns from losing and gets better from the loss.
My thoughts, not yours
Roxas said:
Anyway, to throw my two cent in, a good player is NOT someone that wins all the time. A good player is someone who learns from losing and gets better from the loss.
My thoughts, not yours
A good analogy, I guess.
However, for me a good player will always be someone who not only learns from loss, but takes loss graciously, gives his opponent any help they can with deck teching and is still a good sport when they get beat by the deck they helped to create.
A good player is someone who frequents these boards and offers help and advice to everyone, and can accept when they're in the wrong, or that somebody knows better than them.
A good player is someone who has earned the respect of the other good players.
A good player shouldn't have to play to win, nor should they win >9000% of the time. A good player knows that they're a good player because they've got other people telling them they are. They don't have to be a master deck builder, they don't have to know the rules inside out, they just have to know their niche in the game to be good at it.
A good player is not someone who makes stupid claims with no back-up for them.
"When somebody says "I don't like this playstyle", that doesn't mean "I hate you. You are a bad person. Everything about you is trash". However, you are proving the latter translation for us. Thanks for saving us some time."
Wait wait wait.
Sluppie said:
"When somebody says "I don't like this playstyle", that doesn't mean "I hate you. You are a bad person. Everything about you is trash". However, you are proving the latter translation for us. Thanks for saving us some time."
Wait wait wait.
-_-' Obviously I'm in the wrong. Allow me to re-word it in a much simpler language.
When somebody says "I don't like this playstyle", that doesn't mean "I hate you etc etc etc". However: Since you're complaining and giving yourself a bad name in doing so, you are proving to us that we probably should hate you, because you are frankly not worth our time.
Trothael said:
Roxas said:
Anyway, to throw my two cent in, a good player is NOT someone that wins all the time. A good player is someone who learns from losing and gets better from the loss.
My thoughts, not yours
A good analogy, I guess.
However, for me a good player will always be someone who not only learns from loss, but takes loss graciously, gives his opponent any help they can with deck teching and is still a good sport when they get beat by the deck they helped to create.
A good player is someone who frequents these boards and offers help and advice to everyone, and can accept when they're in the wrong, or that somebody knows better than them.
A good player is someone who has earned the respect of the other good players.
A good player shouldn't have to play to win, nor should they win >9000% of the time. A good player knows that they're a good player because they've got other people telling them they are. They don't have to be a master deck builder, they don't have to know the rules inside out, they just have to know their niche in the game to be good at it.
A good player is not someone who makes stupid claims with no back-up for them.
Trothael said:
Roxas said:
Anyway, to throw my two cent in, a good player is NOT someone that wins all the time. A good player is someone who learns from losing and gets better from the loss.
My thoughts, not yours
A good analogy, I guess.
However, for me a good player will always be someone who not only learns from loss, but takes loss graciously, gives his opponent any help they can with deck teching and is still a good sport when they get beat by the deck they helped to create.
A good player is someone who frequents these boards and offers help and advice to everyone, and can accept when they're in the wrong, or that somebody knows better than them.
A good player is someone who has earned the respect of the other good players.
A good player shouldn't have to play to win, nor should they win >9000% of the time. A good player knows that they're a good player because they've got other people telling them they are. They don't have to be a master deck builder, they don't have to know the rules inside out, they just have to know their niche in the game to be good at it.
A good player is not someone who makes stupid claims with no back-up for them.
My general thought here was that if someone learns something, they would have to accept the loss (at least somewhat diginifed). The other things you say are in the green, though I'm sure there are players that either dont use the internet, blasphemy, or have no intrest/knowing of the boards.
To support your deck builder claim *raise hand* I suck at it, I'm par with Aggro and so sub par on WR that they are currently in Anartica. I got better from having my butt handed to me by Roxas_Lawliet (mostly) and even still you guys put hole in my builds on a constant basis.
I agree Roxas. A good player is someone who strives to become better and learns from his losses while truly enjoying the game he is playing and is more than willing to help others in their goal of improvement. Playing to win is a perfectly acceptable attitude as it strives you play smarter.
-_-' Obviously I'm in the wrong. Allow me to re-word it in a much simpler language.
When somebody says "I don't like this playstyle", that doesn't mean "I hate you etc etc etc". However: Since you're complaining and giving yourself a bad name in doing so, you are proving to us that we probably should hate you, because you are frankly not worth our time.
You ain't gotta like me.
On to other matters...
Well, I don't know how the word "cheap" was being used here, but when someone says that something is "cheap" it's usually just because it beat them and they didn't like losing to it... In this case, they are NOT accepting the loss and are instead belittling the other player who actually did better in the game.
In forums I've been to in the past, this is considered a bad attitude and people who do this are typically called scrubs.
Sure, it's true that if there is one tactic that is unbeatable and causes the game to degenerate into "use this tactic or lose", it DOES tend to "suck the fun out of the game."
But that's always the fault of the game, and never the fault of the player. Unless of course the tactic is formally banned beforehand by tournament organizers.
EDIT: Quotes hate me today.
*scoots up me chair 'n pokes a few marshmallows on a stick*
*holds stick out over flame war 'n roots around for the chocolate 'n graham crackers*
Woo! Smores time!
*munch munch munch* Hey, anyone wanna smore? They is good.