New to Anima

By jimofpeace, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hello, everybody.

I am brand new to Anima. I have just ordered two copies of Anima: Beyond Fantasy core rule book and have no idea what to expect. What does everyone think of the game? More importantly, is there going to be any support for this game? Is anything new going to be coming out? Thank you for any information you can give me.

New content is unlikely, but the community has been supportive and helpful.

I really like the game myself the system is simple once your used to it and no more flawed then any RPG and scales rather well from the low powered end at the start to the massive power fighting dozens or hundreds of foes with style that is beyond human ken our group rationalised it as the person basically had post production in real life

only other thing is I recommend you get Gaia volume 1 and the Dominion of Ki as they really added to our game

Edited by greystroke

Thank you to everybody who replied. I will probably buy everything I can that is out for this game. Although, I can't seem to find "Those Who Walked Amongst Us" anywhere. I wonder why this book is so hard to find?

I Fear you will have to buy the PDF then as I must admit I cant find that book anywhere now shame as it is pretty nice to have for creatures stats

I bought TWAU in French, because it wasn't in English. Not sure if this helps, but if you're bilingual, it's a viable option.

Thank you for the information. I will probably keep searching and hope I eventually find a copy somewhere.

I started reading the Core Book yesterday and love it so far. This looks like a cool game that will be a lot of fun. I'll keep posting any questions I may have. I have heard that there are a lot of typos in this book and that they had translations issues, but I haven't seen very many typos. It has been a relatively easy read so far. Did they release a second printing that cleaned up these issues or something? I haven't seen any indication that this is a second printing or what not.

you will see some but they are easy enough to get round but all books by this outfit are riddled with typos and such they don't proof read well enough

Most of the typos are pretty minor, though I have seen some really humorous ones. For instance in the chapter on the main supernatural races when reading about the Duk'Zarist limited needs ability it informs you that "The Sylvain only need 1/7 of the amount of food and sleep that humans do." My group now jokes that the Sylvain are massive attention hogs.

I love this game!! I especially love the idea of taking your favorite anime and applying it to the game system. Dominion of Ki Exxet is definitely a must have, I think.

Those Who Walk Amongst Us Is very hard to find. I would recommend checking very often because that's what I did, and I finally recieved mine in the mail a couple of weeks ago.

I've been GMing Anima with my group and I will be honest: the system is wonky and complicated. But I love the world, the setting and the powers (magic, ki, summoning) but it requires some dedication to get into the system. Combat can take a long time without some aid and at low level it can feel daunting to charge up ki/magic in order to do the amazing things. I strongly recommend the Gaia volume. It had good information on the various locations of the world and even offer some plot hooks.

I was lucky enough to find the Those who walked amongst us in english. I had more trouble finding a cheaper Gaia book. Just wish they had more support for this game; I'd love to see the Gaia volume 2 translated to english.

I have not followed the forums lately, wasn´t the Core Exxet supposed to be translated... eventually... a while ago?