Fully Flexible Regiment Creation Rules v2

By crusher bob, in Only War House Rules

The Regiment:


Stat Bonuses:

+3 to three stats, -3 to one stat

Only two +3 bonuses can be applied to the same stat.


Starting skills:

Every guardsman as had training.

They know who that guy with the funny hat and bolt pistol is, and what those blobby things on the platoon leaders shoulders are (Common Lore: Imperial Guard)

Every Guardsman has had to run obstacle courses, climb things, and do general physical training (Athletics)

Let’s not kid ourselves, everyone uses their starting XP to buy the dodge skill.

They probably played with swords a children, or fought in gladiatorial slave pits, or had to face the dreaded Rhee with naught but a spoon to earn their dinner. Weapon Training (Low Tech)

And every guardsman has some other defining skill, based on their past (A common lore or another linguistics)


Common Lore (Imperial Guard)

Dodge (if not using my proposed changes to dodge and pinning)

Linguistics (usually Low Gothic)

Weapon Training (Low Tech)

1 more Common Lore or Linguistics of choice

Wounds (8) every guardsman starts with eight (8) wounds, or (5 + 1d5) if you prefer random wounds. More can be bought with regiment or specialty points.


You get 12 regiment creation points.

Points can be spent as follows:

1 point

training in (2 common lores) or (1 other skill)

level 1 talent

5 more gear points

+2 to a stat (Only once per stat)

+1 wound

one (sentinel or chimera) per squad

2 points

lvl 2 talent

one Leman Russ per squad

(Not sure how to price this one, changes the game too much.)

3 points

Statistic aptitude

Level 3 talents aren't available in regiment creation.

You can't take training in the same skill multiple times.


On Prerequisites for talents:

If a talent has another talent as a prerequisite, you must also take that talent.

If a talent has skill training(s) as a prerequisite, you must the trained in those skills.

If the talent has statistic requirements of 35 or below, you make take the talent without needing to meet them. If a talent has a statistic requirement of 40 or more, you character must meet the requirements to take the talent.


Regimental Drawbacks

You get points back for the home world drawbacks

Blessed Ignorance (-1)

Not even sure this is worth points. How common is forbidden lore among guardsmen, anyway?

Bred for War (-1)

If this also stops you from trying to use the 'illegal trading' section of the logistics rules, is worth at least (-2).

Fluency (-1)

Lose your starting Linguistics Training.

Hivebound (-1)

May or may not come up, but guardmen are much more likely to need to roll survival than forbidden lore.

Only One Life to Give (-2)

If it promotes idiocy, then -2. If you are allowed to do things like dig fighting positions to preserve the fine instrument of war that is you, may be only worth (-1)

Scum and Villainy (-3)

Since each creation point is worth 5 equipment points, trading in 15 of them gets you 3 points back. Maybe should be reduced to -10 equipment points for (-2) regiment points.

Wary of Outsiders (-1)

Seems like this would come up pretty often, and most of the people who you'll deal with who aren't part of your regiment probably won't count as being inside your circle of trust. Could be talked around to this being worth (-2).


Favored Gear:

The regiment has two items of favored gear, these two items reduce their availability by one level.

Example: Very Rare reduced to Rare.


Basic Equipment Allocation: 60 points

You can only take gear of up to rare availability.

Price on armor is non-standard.


0 Your uniform

5 (flak vest, flak helmet, and flak gauntlets) or (light flak cloak)

8 (flak coat and flak helmet) or (light flak cloak and flak helmet)

10 flak cloak or (carapace helm and carapace chestplate)

12 (flak cloak and carapace helm) or (Carapace helm, Carapace breastplate, and flak gauntlets)

15 guard flak armor

20 light carapace armor

Disposable weapons

You can take an allocation twice if you want 4 grenades of a particular type.

3 2 fire bombs

Should firebombs cost 5 points instead?

5 2 frag grenades

5 2 smoke grenades

5 2 Stun grenades

10 2 krak grenades

Having glanced at the vehicle rules, krak grenades appear to be a cruel joke that can barely tickle a warbuggy. Until fixed, don't think they are worth 15 points

10 2 blind grenades

15 2 photon flash grenades

Extra Magazines: extra magazines are available for one (1) gear point.


Specialty (includes both guardsman and support specialists)

Aptitudes: You get four (4) statistic aptitudes and two (2) non statistic aptitudes.

You have twelve (12) points to assign thing to your character:

These are spent just like Regimental points.

You get +5 to one statistic of your choice, this does not count as an advance for experience purposes.

After your points are spent, you get one free skill advance.


Psyker powers:

Psy rating 1 costs 1 point.

Psy rating 2 costs 3 points (inclusive)

Psy rating 3 costs 6 points (inclusive)

Each build point allocated to buy psy powers gets 200 (or 250?) xp worth of powers. This XP may be ‘pooled’ from all the build points you spent on powers.



Pick one of your weapons to be your main weapon. You get four (4) magazines for that weapon. If it’s a single shot weapon, like a missile launcher, you get 6 rounds.

All other weapons are ‘secondary’ weapons, and only get two (2) magazines for that weapon.


The following new ‘Rank’ talents are available for the appropriate specialties:

Imperial Guard (Fellowship, Leadership)

When you talk, other guardsmen will listen. When you ask for fire support, maybe you’ll get some. When you make a logistics request, it’s more likely to succeed. When one of your men gets drunk and fornicates with the Commissars servo skull, you are held responsible.

If you have an enlisted rank, maybe you hold that position because your officer got killed and they haven’t supplied a replacement yet. Or maybe the one saving grace of the drooling idiot officially in command has is that he does everything you ‘suggest’ to him.

0 Rank (Probationary Lieutenant/Corporal) (Squad Commander)

1 Rank (Lieutenant/Sergeant) (Platoon commander)

2 Rank (Captain/First Sergeant) (Company Commander)

Commissariat (Willpower?, Leadership)

Wear the best hats. Enforce discipline as you see fit. Answer a bunch of horribly embarrassing questions about the xenos porn found in the possession of men under your responsibility.

0 Rank (Cadet Commissar) (Responsible for a squad)

1 Rank (Junior Commissar) (Responsible for a platoon)

Bolt pistols reduced one grade in availability

2 Rank (Commissar) (Responsible for a company)

Power weapons reduced one grade in availability

Adeptus Mechanicus (Intelligence, Tech)

Get cool toys. Know the secrets of the universe. Be held responsible for all the tanks not being fixed, even though most of the mechanics section was executed last week for being in possession of xenos porn.

0 Rank (Cadet Enginseer)

1 Rank (Junior Enginseer)

All cybernetics reduced one grade in availability

2 Rank (Enginseer)

Power weapons reduced one grade in availability

Edited by crusher bob

Sample Regiment and Specialists:

Cadian Shock Troops



+3 Agility, +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 Perception, +3 Willpower.

Wounds (8)

Linguistics (Low Gothic)

Common Lore (Cadian Sector, Imperial Guard)



Weapon Training (Low Tech)


Point Allocation (12 points):

3 Willpower aptitude

1 Weapon training (solid projectile)

1 Common lore (Imperium, War)

1 Operate (surface)

2 Nerves of Steel

1 Rapid Reload

1 Double Team

2 Wounds (10)

1 Chimera transport

-1 Bred for War


Favored Gear:

Plasma Rifle, Autocannon


Gear Allocation (60 points, 0 Build points spent)

15 Guard Flak Armour

8 Micro Bead

8 Gas Mask

5 2 frag grenades

10 2 krak grenades

14 Good Quality auto pistol with 1 extra magazine


Sample Characters:


Cadian Heavy Gunner


Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, Strength, Toughness, Willpower

Offence, Defence

Point Allocation (12 points):

1 Weapon Training (Heavy)

3 Wounds (13)

1 Intimidate

1 Tech Use

1 Trade (Armourer)

2 Armour Monger

3 Gear

Gear Allocation (15 points, 3 Build points spent)

15 Auto cannon

Skill Advance:

Trade (Armourer)

Free Stat: Toughness


Final Outcome:

+3 Agility, +3 Ballistic Skill, –3 Perception, +5 Toughness, +3 Willpower.




Common lore (Cadian Sector, Imperium, Imperial Guard, War)


Linguistics (Low Gothic)

Operate (surface)

Tech Use

Trade (Armourer) +10


Armour Monger

Double Team

Nerves of Steel

Rapid Reload

Weapon training (Low Tech, Solid projectile)

Wounds: 13


Auto Cannon (Main weapon) (4 magazines)

Good quality Auto pistol (3 magazines)

Guard flak armour

micro bead

gas mask

2 frag grenades

2 krak grenades


Cadian Leader of Men


Fellowship, Intelligence, Strength, Weapon Skill, Willpower

Offence, Leadership

Point Allocation (12 points):

1 Weapon Training (Chain)

1 Wounds (11)

1 Ambidextrous

1 Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

1 Command

1 Navigate (Surface)

1 Combat Formation

1 Rank (Lieutenant)

4 Gear

Gear Allocation (20 points, 4 Build points spent)

10 Vox Caster

8 Chain Sword

2 Chronometer

Skill Advance: Command

Free Stat: Fellowship


Final Outcome:

+3 Agility, +3 Ballistic Skill, +5 Fellowship, –3 Perception, +3 Willpower.




Command +10

Common lore (Cadian Sector, Imperium, Imperial Guard, War)

Linguistics (Low Gothic)

Navigate (Surface)

Operate (surface)

Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)



Combat Formation

Double Team

Nerves of Steel

Rank (Lieutenant)

Rapid Reload

Weapon training (Chain, Low Tech, Solid projectile)

Wounds: 11


Good quality Auto pistol (Main Weapon) (5 Magazines)

Chain sword

Vox Caster


Guard flak armour

micro bead

gas mask

2 frag grenades

2 krak grenades

Edited by crusher bob