FAQ question

By Tim Kelly, in Age of Conan

I doubt anyone is going to interpret this literally, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway.......

Concerning Page 1 of the FAQ, Column 2, in the "Page 13" section, I'm curious about the wording of the "correct" version of the rule.

The "correct" wording, according to the FAQ, is: "If a player wishers to use a strategy card, he must play it before ALL contest dice are rolled for a contest." (Bold, caps, and underline added by me.)

Shouldn't the word "all" be replaced by the word "any"? Otherwise, reading it literally, I could wait until I've rolled all but one of my dice to decide to play a card.


Looking at it with your point of view, i think you could be right.

But i didn't think of it before seeing you comment lol. I think that the objective of the correction is clear anyways.

Hmm... never thought about it that way - guess I missed something. I thought that the defender could use his card before his roll but after the attecker's...