Investigating with all expansions

By FantasyNerd8, in Mansions of Madness

Hey guys!

Is this game possible to be played with all expansions? Or how does that work? Considering the small expansions don't add scenerios, I'm wondering what can be mixed together.

I'm new to this game but own all Talisman expansions and most of the Arkham Horror expansions.


Scenarios are the key driver in MoM, and scenarios are mutually exclusive. It's not like elements from multiple scenarios intermingle.

So the question is really kind of flawed: there are never games where you're playing with "all expansions."

The PoDs are just extra scenarios that don't integrate anything else whatsoever to the core game. FA and CotW add new characters, spell, mythos, and battle cards. Really the biggest reason to get expansions is for the scenario variety, and the new cards for each generic deck is just a nice "plus." I've got all the expansions but it's the exact same as having none of the PoDs (save for scenario variety).

Edited by Tibs

Thanks! That helps!

Since you have all of them. Are they worth it? Is the game still fun or does it get old after awhile?

Probably with the 3 big boxes is enough. You have many heroes and many scenario. If you can pay more maybe one o two small expansion they only have a single mision