Figures performing actions while occupying enemy space?

By Omniscient Raph, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

I have a questions that I need answered. When a player moves into a space containing an enemy figure can they stop their movement in that space to perform another action?

Example: Terminal token is in the corner of a room, a nexu is standing on top of the token so that figures cannot be adjacent without entering it's space. Can a rebel figure do the following: action one, gain 4 movement points, use 2 movement points to enter the first square of the nexu (they are now adjacent to terminal), action two, interact with terminal, then use remaining 2 movement points to move out of nexu square. Or would they have to kill the nexu (or push it away) before gaining access to the terminal?

Thanks for your thoughts

no, you can only enter in another space containing another figure (friendly or enemy), as long as it does not end its movement in the space.

RRG page 19 "movement"

you must kill nexu or push it away first.

Additionally, this would qualify as an interrupt. Italicized below for effect.

"Interrupt", RRG Page 15 states:

It is possible for a figure to interrupt its own activation.

• If an interrupt makes the current action or ability invalid, that effect is not resolved. Any costs used to resolve that effect are still paid.

For example, if a player plays a Command card that allows it to attack a figure, and the figure interrupts to move out of line of sight, the Command card is discarded and the action spent on the attack is lost.

• If two effects interrupt the same action, the player currently resolving his activation decides the order in which they are resolved.

A figure’s action cannot be interrupted while the figure is in a space containing another figure.

You can only (spend movement points to) move between, before, and after actions, so you are stopped when you start to perform an action, and thus can not occupy space with another figure.