Mak: Disengange vs Stun

By Baer, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

After learning that one can not move or attack due to an Officer if he is stunned (is that correct? read it at several spots) we got a Question in our Group:

Can Mak use Disengage (he gains 3 Movement points outside his activation) while being stunned?

The text of stun is not "Cannot take the move action" it is "cannot exit your space". So no, Mak cannot disengage while stunned.

Slightly related

Spoilers for mission Temptation:

If DIala is stunned at the end of turn 1, 3 or 5 when she MUST choose one of the two action, one being that she must discard a token then move and attack, the other being claim a token and heal. Can she choose the first one, even though she wont be able to perform the move? While playing we ruled no, but in afterthought I think she should be able to choose this option just not be able to execute all of it

1- Mak can't use disengage if he is stunned

2- Diala can choose first option. Stun doesn't forbid to choose options or anything else. being stunned she can rest, or interact for example. Just she is not allowed to do anything in the first option (move and attack) because of being stunned.