Unique and not unique at the same time

By Ikaros, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion


What happens if I have in my deck two cards with the same title, one unique and the other one not unique?

I can happen, for istance, with "The Scourge", from Five King and from "A Tale of Champions".

Thank you.

It's in the FAQ that you can only have 3 copies of a card by title in your deck. So it doesn't matter if it's unique or not -- only three cards with the same name.

As for the rest, the rules for unique cards only apply if they have the unique banner. You could have a unique and a non-unique copy out at the same time, but you cannot, for example, dupe the unique with the non-unique.

So, I can play the unique Scourge first, and then play the non-unique Scourge (or viceversa), and having both in play as separate locations?

Thank you.

So, I can play the unique Scourge first, and then play the non-unique Scourge (or viceversa), and having both in play as separate locations?

Thank you.

As for the rest, the rules for unique cards only apply if they have the unique banner. You could have a unique and a non-unique copy out at the same time, but you cannot, for example, dupe the unique with the non-unique.

I'm quoting this part of ktom's post because that's exactly what it means.

Edited by Bomb