Deployment question

By Belzebub1978, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hi everybody,

i have a question about deployment in the campaign.

I know what initial, reserved and open Groups mean. But in the spezial setup section it often says increase threat by twice the threat Level and resolve a spezial deployment. Maybe my english isnĀ“t that good but what does that mean. Do i double the threat only at the start of the game to get some starting points or every status phase?


The threat level is the amount of threat you gain each roundm e.g. 2 for the first couple of missions, then 3, 4, 5 and so on.

When a mission tells, in the setup box, you to increase threat by double the threat level you increase your threat in the dial by 4 (if the threat level for the mission is 2) only for the setup of the mission

And then you can resolve an optional deployment by spending the threat you have (following the example above, it would be 4 points).

Ok thank you guys that helps a lot!