If you want to base them off of WHFRP vampires then all chaos gods dislike vampires.
If that was aimed at me, I am only looking at the 40k versions of the various Chaos Gods.
That being said ... what beef does Fantasy-Nurgle have with creatures not dying? I thought this was normal for all of Nurgle's creations in Fantasy, too? Something that is dead cannot host any plagues!
Come to think of it, a case could be made for all the other gods, too:
- Khorne: as long as they spill enough blood, what does it matter that they take some for themselves? (Vlad the Impaler) In fact, is "drinking blood" not fairly common in Khornate cults?
- Tzeentch: humans don't change, either - but vampires could make excellent schemers (or are WFRP vampires 100% immune to mutation and this is the issue?)
- Slaanesh: this is probably the toughest one. If WFRP vampires are truly devoid of sensual experience (insofar that they cannot actually "enjoy" the blood they drink, or don't care about their fashion), then the only solution would be a different type of vampire ...
Lyn I don't know. They're picky I guess?
The Slannesh thing is they live so long they get used to the experience, and vampires eventually reach a point where they don't want to experience new things after a certain age.
Nurgle wants permanent death and rebirth, vampirism is a sidestep.
Tzeetch is well Tzeetch, if he can't mutate them than he isn't pleased.
As for Robin jeeze the End Times sound really lame.