Umm.... What? Nothing about it in the errata, and newer replaces older as general rule, therefore BAA:SP gets 4 special abilities?
Sanguniary Priest
Umm.... What? Nothing about it in the errata, and newer replaces older as general rule, therefore BAA:SP gets 4 special abilities?
This has been addressed. This ability is in addition to the normal Special Ability selection for creating a space marine character.
It is incredibly simple.
Character creation is done in these steps:
1: roll stats
2: select chapter: apply modified stats
3: select specialty: apply starting skills/talents, select special ability
4: calculate movement, wounds, fate, and spend experience
5: select equipment
6: roleplay
7: play game
Characters must be able to pay the experience cost of the advance specialty before they can take it. As a character cannot spend XP until step 4, which comes after step 3. Thus they MUST choose one, and ONLY one, of their normal starting specialty's special ability BEFORE they can become an advanced specialty and that advanced specialty's special rules apply.
So the Sanguinary Priest is allowed ONE of the apothecary's special ability chosen as normal during step 3, and then gains the second special ability: Scion of Sanguinius at step 4 when the character spends the XP to gain the advanced specialty. He does not gain the other two special abilities the character did not choose during step 3.
Apothecaries are pretty mechanically weak already. It's really not broken to give them all the special abilities.
Whether the previous statement has merit or not; it is not legal, officially, in the framework of the rules to do so.