Help with Kit

By PenguinBonaparte, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

I've been sticking with Shapers for a while and was going 50/50 with my previous Kit deck, with a lot of indexing and whatnot. I started playing around with a Prepaid Kate deck after hearing about it, and it sounds like it's tried and true, but I'm considering going back to Kit for the Store Championship on Saturday and would appreciate feedback on my rebuilt deck, since I don't feel like I'm great at evaluating this yet.

Kit Peddler: 47 Cards, 10 Influence

Programs: 3x SMC, 2x Gordian Blade, 2x Cerberus Lady H1, 1x Mimic, 1x Femme, 1x Torch

Hardware: 3x Dinosaurus, 3x Clone Chip

Events: 3x Makers Eye, 3x Indexing, 3x Sure Gamble, 3x Diesel, 2x Quality Time, 3x Modded, 2x Test Run, 2x Same Old Thing, 2x Code Siphon, 2x Escher, 2x Scavenge, 2x Spooned, 1x Legwork

Looking at all these events I wonder if I should drop something to put those prepaid pads in here? I feel like with all the big ice coming Escher could suddenly be good, getting Curtain Wall out of position in Blue Sun, for example, So drop the Torch as a redundant Gordian/Dino, along with one of the Moddeds, and put in the 3 pads to go to 48 cards? Thanks!

Small point of order; Same old Thing is a resource, not an event ;)

After looking at the events you have, I'd say you don't really need PPVP - not that they'd be useless, but you have quite a few 0-cost events already.

Not sure you really want or need Code Siphon. I'd probably lose them to make the drop to 45 cards.

I don't play Kit myself though, so take all that with a pinch of the proverbial.

In my couple of test games, Code Siphon was a cheap way to get either Femme or Magnum Opus out. How much of a differences does being at 45 vs 48 make?

You're three cards more likely to get the card you want :P

Doesn't sound like much I know, but every draw counts.

If Code Siphon is working for you, then go with it. Honestly I figured it would be better for a different Runner than Kit, seeing as she can struggle with multi-ICE servers more than other Runners, but like I say, I don't play her.

Yeah, it's definitely not always going to be useful. When code siphon came up early it was a huge help, but also I was finding that people are a little less likely to res ice when I'm not going to be accessing, even if it's going to help me a lot.Thanks for the help!

I don't play in tournaments or anything so perhaps this advice is no good but I'll tell you the one note I have.

I personally would go with forked or knifed, or one of each. With your souped up gordian blade or torch in play code gates are your friend. True, the first piece of ice you run into each turn will be a code gate but the corp is going to try and position its code gates as the outermost piece. And even if the barrier you want to trash is the outermost piece, knifed will still work.

That's just my thoughts on the matter. Have fun today!