Multiple Attribute Tests

By bigunit21, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

I'm a little confused with the multiple success and multiple attribute tests in the RRG, for tests that require two successes.

"If this test also requires multiple successes, the number is written before the first icon. For example (2 tech, or strength) requires two successes, from ANY COMBINATION of tech and strength attribute tests".

The way this is worded, makes it sound like I could roll my tech and hope for two successes, roll my strength and hope for two success...or roll my tech AND my strength (being any combination) and hope for two success. Therefore when testing just tech or strength, would I roll twice???

thanks for the help

You roll once per attribute test, but in some cases, there are multiple ways to test. For example, you could choose Strength *OR* Tech to test but you still only roll once with your chosen attribute per action.

If you need Multiple Successes but don't get them on a single test, those successes are saved and another figure can take an attribute test (which may be a different attribute) to score more successes.

In your above example, hero A could test tech and get one success, and hero B could test strength and get the second success required to pass the test.

Edited by Fizz

Before you do the test you must decide which attribute you are using. With tests that require multiple success just means if you only got 1 surge on your {fist} test then the next time you make a test you can either choose your *{fist} again or you can choose *{wrench}. Also with tests that require multiple sucess you do NOT need both in the same roll. If you only got one success then you place a strain on the token that required the test. Next time you will only need one more success.

*I know these aren't the official terms but Im sure you know what Im meaning.


I had no idea they stacked like that. I've lost some missions because I thought you had to roll 2 for a single test or you have to test again (for 2)...

Dang, this has been my WORST game for reading/retaining the rules...

Ive been pleasently surprised at all the nuances in the game. We've been having a blast with each and every mission even though there has usually been at least one rule played wrong that could've changed the outcome. Didn't take away from our enjoyment though and besides we consider the first campaign run through to be more a learning experience.