Dice Policy (aka Making Profit, aka Four? Seriously?)

By One-Armed Sorcerer, in BattleLore

Dear Fantasy Flight Games,

you are making a fair amount of money with your games, I believe. I hope so. Because you make good games. Many are even great. I know it, because I own quite a couple of them.

However, it seems to me, that you have begun trying to make profit on the wrong end. There is nothing wrong with selling expansion material for games. Additional figures, additional tokens, dice etc. Stuff that people may want to enricht their gaming experience but which they don't need to play a game.

Not to include stuff that people need to play in a game and selling it as "extras" is just... well I think you can imagine.

No let's look at Battlelore 2nd Edition. That game comes with four dice. Four. And you sell an extra pack of dice, which includes eight. Eight. That are twice as many dice as are included in the base game. For - at my place - 10,- Euro.

I won't go into detail now. You can't seriously expect people to play the game with four dice and enjoy it. Six would be the least - and selling an extra set with another six separately would be kinda okay, I guess. But not eight in contrast to four. I'm sorry, but that smells of rip-off.

And that is not suitable for a company like yours.

You don't need that. At least I hope so.

So please stop it. Don't make that your policy in the future. It will change my mind about you, and that of other people, too. So don't.

Thank you for reading this.

Best Regards.

The dice pack is a huge rip-off for what it is and really does make the gameplay better - I'm assuming it was done to keep the price of the base set artificially low? Another $5 on the price might push it into a less successful price point for new players, perhaps. Still, for that price, the dice could have at least come with more counters or something.

I've found that the vast majority of attack rolls don't need more than 4 dice. Yes, some do (such as the Blood Harvesters when weak), but off the top of my head I'd say maybe 4 or 5 rolls in a game, max (and that may be high).

Rolling more than 5 is very rare. Personally, I would have liked to see 5 dice in the set, covering probably 99% or more of cases. But even with 4, the game is not unplayable or, frankly, unenjoyable, just a little annoying sometimes. The extra dice may be pricey, but the benefit is that you can pretty much give each player a set of 6 with them, and thus not have to trade dice back and forth. A convenience.

I don't think the price is all that far off for custom-made dice. When I see "regular" dice in the stores, most of them are probably about 75 cents each (less if they are cheap-o ones that are boring and plain). Custom dice being a little over a dollar each doesn't seem that far fetched to me.

Meh. It would have been cool to just toss anther set of 4 dice into each of the expansions, but the base game comes with enough that it doesn't really bother me when I play it. The dice set is a little on the pricey side for only being eight dice, but hell, I've spent more for less from other companies.

4 more dice in each expansion seems a bit too much to me, really.

1 die in each expension, though...

This was a the first game where I really felt like FFG was was being too stingy with the dice. X-Wing was borderline, but it was a cheaper price point. This is a full price game! Keeping track of multiple rolls is a small nuisance, but a nuisance nonetheless. Admittedly, I bought the dice packs for both games and Armada, so their strategy is working. Yucky feelings though.

Everyone is complaining 4 dice is too few? I didn't get any dice with my game. Nor did I get the plastic rod that holds the Roc to its base.

Fortunately, FFG has great customer service, so I should have the dice and rod in a bit.

Edited by OmegaDestroyer

While I think 4 dice is a bit meagre (6 would have been good), really, for two people, you still need that extra pack, and I don't begrudge a few extra quid for a game I get so much out of.

And on that heretical note, can I just say that I REALLY like the purple Battlelore dice alongside the new Undead faction.

So much that I think they should release additional dice packs with blue dice (with white icons) for the humans and red dice (with white icons) for chaos.

Sorry :)

And on that heretical note, can I just say that I REALLY like the purple Battlelore dice alongside the new Undead faction.

So much that I think they should release additional dice packs with blue dice (with white icons) for the humans and red dice (with white icons) for chaos.

Sorry :)

I believe I would feel compelled to buy those dice packs. I don't need them, but I don't know if I could resist.

The only solution I can think of would be to get all the figures painted so that the red, blue, and purple were not overwhelmingly obvious. Then I might not connect the current dice to the Undead and wouldn't feel the urge to buy matching dice for each faction.

Actually, now that I think about it, faction-themed dice would make pretty neat prizes for OP support, if it ever comes to that.

Doing a new reprint in new colours might not be so difficult, but as always I guess there has to be a demand and justification.

Maybe next time they reprint the dice :)

4 Dice seems plenty to me. It would be nice to have a set of dice for the other player, but not so nice I would buy more.

i've bought small board games here and their but this is the first "real" board game ive invested into and i felt that in order to enjoy the game more i needed to buy the dice pack, its just more fun and easier to play when each player has their own set.