Any word on necrons / nids?

By booored, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

I'm going to make a guess that tyranids won't be able to use neutral cards. And since necrons ally with everyone they won't include nuetral cards in the deluxe box. I am pretty sure they will have 2 warlords each. Swarmlord, old one eye, maybe deathleaper or genestealer patriarch. Not really sure on necrons but I'm pretty sure gw broke the ctan into shards or something. But night bringer would be a pretty cool warlord.

Really curious on how they will impliment will be back and gauss weaponry into the faction.

Really excited about lictors, genestealers, ravagers and zoanthroaps.

I wonder if scarab and ripper swarms will end up being token cards.

I just really hope we get spoilers soon