Heal/Harm Mastery and Canon

By Gigerstreak, in General Discussion

The folks over at Retrozap released a very interesting article that immediately made me think of FFG's awesome Harm Mastery. Obviously Palpatine would have to have some sort of crazy NPC Range Upgrade but check out the link on Retrozap. I think this would make a great canon example.


Just goes to show that the folks at FFG know what they are doing.

Edited by Gigerstreak

there is another option: bad writing. lets face it, the writing in the prequels is so bad, they implode.

Edited by miishelle

there is another option: bad writing. lets face it, the writing in the prequels is so bad, they implode.

True. And technically it could just be poor direction and Vader is actually finished being built days after Padme's funeral so Palpy would know.... but I honestly agree with the article. It may be a subtle darkness that George wanted to gloss over (like Anakin suspecting something between Padme and Obi-Wan). It is now this way for my head-canon and I feel much more at ease (and freaked out). As my topic title suggests, it really does fit with FFG's Heal/Harm. After all, Cade Skywalker didn't kill other people in order to darkside people back to life, he just did it (like Heal Mastery, but dark side)

Edited by Gigerstreak

or he had to get rid if her and make it really dramatic, so her love was so great that they talked about sand and she lost her will to live. this looks like trying ringing redemption in horrible writing because they love star wars so much that George couldn't have just thought midi chloreans was a good idea. I don't blame the writers, nor you, I just think George lost his touch in the 25 years after themovies

There was an older EU explanation that the droid missed the signs of trachea damage inflicted by Anakin choking Padme on Mustafar before his big throw-down with Obi-Wan, and that it was only an in-depth review of the medical records by someone that was better versed in human anatomy that detected it.

Frankly, I find that a lot more plausible than any kind of remote Force-based long-distance kill.

Your now thinking GL lost his touch? I cry that my blu Ray EP 4-6 has GL remastered taint on it...it's terrible...I'm surprised he didnt throw jar jar in cgi following Vader around...OHHHH ANNIE WHY YOUSA WEARYNG THE DARK ARMOR?! It's MOY EVVILLLL!

Edited by theclash24

But about the topic it's not far fetched his range was that far..Sheeav Palpatine or Anakin Skywalker. In the original movies Vader force choked a b*tch through a vid screen...a vid screen...the guy was on the ship or another ship can't remember off the top of my head. But that's a huge distance force grip/choke. Being able to sense Luke on the shuttle near Endor? That was 1000's of meters away if not 10's of thousands. Luke could sense him too. Ben Kenobi felt all of Alderaan get nuked light years away in a hyperjump.

There is mystical writing that makes the force a magical mysterious wondrous thing. Than there is writing that makes the force a dumb tool like floating an exotic fruit over to your girlfriend so she can eat it. Than there is mechanical break down of writing for a game that really didn't think their characters would be able to force sense their Bros light years away and force choke people through vid screens...

Even the novel is nebulous on how this part went down. The only defining factor is Anakin blaming himself at the end. As for dying of emotional trauma.. it just seems kind of pathetic for Padme. She was a strong-willed woman. It could simply be that the writing/acting was just not able to convey the transcendent love that it was supposed to be. The idea of Palpatine siphoning her life-force through her connection to Anakin in order to keep him alive is absolute evil. Though I do not believe that George Lucas wrote the concept in, it fits so well that I choose to interpret it that way. It makes it more tragic and dark. I do hope that Harm Mastery makes it from the Beta.