Can you activate Blast when hitting an object?

By usgrandprix, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Can you activate Blast when hitting an object? It's clear if you activate Blast after hitting a figure it affects objects. But can you activate Blast when hitting an object to affect figures?

Some rules:


The Blast keyword appears on some cards. If the target of this
figure’s attack suffers one or more H (damage), each figure and
object adjacent to the target space suffers H equal to the Blast
value. For example, “Blast 1H” causes each figure and object
adjacent to the target to suffer 1H."

"The Blast and Cleave keywords can affect objects.

If a figure is in the same space as the token, the figure and
token are considered adjacent for the purposes of Blast and
When declaring an attack, the attacker chooses a figure to attack.
This figure is referred to as the target."
"An ability that refers to a
target can be used when attacking an object, but an ability that
refers to a figure cannot."
Blast requires a Target to activate. One rule seems to say a Target is a figure. But another says an ability that refers to a Target can be used when attacking an object. Admittedly I can be confused but these seem contradictory or paradoxical.
Any help really appreciated.
Edited by usgrandprix

Short answer: Yes. Blast can affect objects whether you are attacking the object directly, and "blasting" into an adjacent something else, or attacking a figure/object and "blasting" into adjacent object.

"Attacking Objects" RRG, Page 6:

"Many abilities that modify attacks can also affect objects that can be attacked, but some cannot. An ability that refers to a target can be used when attacking an object, but an ability that refers to a figure cannot. If the ability can modify any attack and does not specify target or figure, it can be used when attacking an object."

"The Blast and Cleave keywords can affect objects. If a figure is in the same space as the token, the figure and token are considered adjacent for the purposes of Blast and Cleave."

Edited by Fizz

Thanks, so to be precise, even beyond the notion of being able to attack an object if the mission rules say an object can be attacked, the target of an attack can be an object despite this rule:


When declaring an attack, the attacker chooses a figure to attack.

This figure is referred to as the target."

Is that right?

The mission rules override rules in the RRG and on cards. Cards override the rules in the RRG. The RRG overrides rules in the L2P and SG.

Reference: "Golden Rules" RRG, Page 2:

If a rule in this guide contradicts a rule in the Learn to Play booklet or Skirmish Guide, the rule in this reference guide takes priority.

Card abilities can override the rules listed in this guide. Mission rules can override both card abilities and rules from this guide.

If a card or mission uses the word cannot , that effect is absolute and cannot be overridden by other effects.

Edited by Fizz