A friend of mine has a homebrew regiment he is recreating with the Hammer of the Emperor and Shield of Humanity books, and so it got me thinking of what some of you're homebrew regiments are.
Post Your Homebrew Regiments Here
Your timing is awesome ^.- Just last night I decided to clear out my backlog of homebrewed regiments, deleting the assorted documents they'd been accrued on.
Your timing is awesome ^.- Just last night I decided to clear out my backlog of homebrewed regiments, deleting the assorted documents they'd been accrued on.
I never post before or after I need to only when I am meant to.
Your timing is awesome ^.- Just last night I decided to clear out my backlog of homebrewed regiments, deleting the assorted documents they'd been accrued on.
PAH! I laugh at thee. Thou art an almighty foo... Wait... I deleted mine on Monday... Crap!
I'm working on a regiment with Lynata right now, actually. No spoilers, but when we've finished we'll share it with you all.
Cognizant, where'd you get that document from? I'd love to use its type for our own regiment.
Edited by RamellanCognizant, where'd you get that document from? I'd love to use its type for our own regiment.
Pulled directly from one of the official PDFs, I would say - don't worry, I have similar tools at my disposal.
I'm working on a regiment with Lynata right now, actually. No spoilers, but when we've finished we'll share it with you all.
Cognizant, where'd you get that document from? I'd love to use its type for our own regiment.
I can send you my word document. Lynata is correct in regards to the background - I pulled the images from official pdfs. Everything else is just basic stuff from word and the fonts were available online (except for the main header font, I recreated FFG's Requim-Inquisitor font).
It'd be handy if you could be so kind as to supply me with something similar. Cabsian and I are looking to tidy up the graphics et cetera for our Navy piece and it would drastically help with the aesthetic, plus provide some consistency.
It'd be handy if you could be so kind as to supply me with something similar. Cabsian and I are looking to tidy up the graphics et cetera for our Navy piece and it would drastically help with the aesthetic, plus provide some consistency.
Ill put together a zip file. Pm your email address'.
Would love to recieve the zip file as well, my players would go apeshit if I made up a page for their regi. Sent you a PM (two actually as I forgot to include my email in the first... derp )
Thanks in advance!
Soooo.....any other regiments out there?
working on it...
Here's a sample regiement using my second try a fully flexible character / regiment creation rules, found
153rd Aerius "The Firedrakes"
The hive world Aerius was recently devastated by a plague. So when the requirement that the hive world tithe several more regiments of guards, the personnel available for recruitment tended to be slightly more unhinged that you might expect from a normal hive world inhabitant.
The people of Hive Urticaria found solace in increased faith that the Emperor would deliver them. When the request came that the hive provide several thousand soldiers, the hive leadership was only too happy to comply.
The Firedrakes are a motorized infantry regiment, best used in close urban combat. Their ability with mines and booby traps and their heavy use of flame weapons lets them excel in close fighting.
Starting Stats:
+6 Intelligence
Starting Skills:
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperium, Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard)
Linguistics (Low Gothic)
Operate (Surface)
Tech Use
Weapon Training (Las, Low Tech)
Starting Talents:
Accustomed to Crowds
Rapid Reload
Starting Wounds: 11
Favored Equipment: Combi-Tool, Multilaser
Starting Gear:
Suit of Light Carapace Armor
fire suit (+20 to resist or put out fire, armor applies to fire damage)
Good quality photo-visor
gas mask
Fire bombs (2)
1 BTR Armored Personnel Carrier Per Squad
(Other standard Kit)
Regimental Point Allocation:
12/12 Points Spent
1 accustomed to crowds
-1 hivebound
1 common lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperium)
1 weapon training (las)
1 wounds
1 operate (surface)
1 tech use
2 Gear
3 wounds (11)
1 rapid reload
1 BTR Armored Personnel Carrier
Regimental Gear Allocation:
70/70 points spent
20 light carapace
13 good quality photo-visor
8 microbead
8 fire suit (costed as survival suit)
8 gas mask
10 Combi Tool
3 fire bombs (2)
BTR Armored Personnel Carrier
Lighter and faster than the Chimera, this vehicle, is a common alternative method of transporting guardsmen.
Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 18 m
Cruising Speed: 90 kph
Maneuverability: +0
Structural Integrity: 35
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 24, Side 20, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, Rugged
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Turret)
Armament: 1 turret mounted multilaser
Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsmen plus wargear
Sample Firedrake Characters:
Lieutenant Godwinne
Godwinne was from of richer families of the Hive. Having just graduated from College, a bright future looked assured for him. Then the plague came. Most of him extended family was wiped out, and he volunteered for the Guard to escape the constant reminders of their deaths. His chronometer will display several holopics of his family in happier times.
WS 30
BS 30
S 30
T 30
AGL 30
INT 40
PER 26
WP 35
FEL 40
Fellowship, Willpower, Ballistic Skill, Agility
Leadership, Offence
Additional Skills:
Command +10, interrogate, navigate (surface), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)
Additional Talents:
Combat Formation, Radiant Presence, Rank (Lieutenant), Weapon Training (Flame)
Additional Gear:
Lasgun with exterminator Attachment and 4 extra magazines, Vox caster, Chronometer
Wounds: 11
Breacher Roland
Roland was formerly a Hive maintenance worker. During the plague years, his job was the burning of the dead. This is probably the source of his great faith in the cleansing fire of the Emperor. His constant interjections about how the Emperor would be pleased if more things were to face his cleansing flame make interactions with him rather uncomfortable, the fact that he'll often punctuate these interjections with gestures with his chain sword don't help matters.
On the other hand, there are few obstacles that can't be cleared by either by his sword or his explosives.
WS 40
BS 30
S 40
T 40
AGL 25
INT 31
PER 30
WP 30
FEL 25
Intelligence, Strength, Toughness, Weapon skill
Offence, Tech
Additional Skills:
Awareness, Tech-Use +10, Intimidate
Additional Talents:
Ambidexterity, Disturbing Voice, Weapon Training (Chain)
Additional Gear:
Laspistol with 6 extra magazines, Mono Chainsword, Demolition Charges (2),
Wounds: 11
Heavy Gunner Barbarella
A former hive gang member, Barbarella saw an opportunity to get ahead in life and took it. She's one of the few Firedrakes to maintain a sunny disposition; mostly because she didn't lose anyone she cared about to the plague. She'd have had to care about people for that to have happened.
WS 35
BS 35
S 30
T 30
AGL 30
INT 26
PER 30
WP 40
FEL 35
Ballistic skill, Strength, Toughness, Fellowship
Finesse, Social
Additional Skills:
Athletics +10, Charm, Deceive, Inquiry
Additional Talents:
Cold Hearted, Nerves of Steel, Unarmed Warrior, Weapon Training (Heavy)
Additional Gear:
Laspistol with 2 extra magazines, Multilaser with 4 extra magazines
Wounds: 11
Fix-it Harmon
A Fix-it from the lower hive, Harmon was expected to do everything from oversee births to repair broken machinery by his even more desperate neighbors. During the plague years, he became skilled in quickly generating memorable death poems for them too.
WS 26
BS 30
S 30
T 30
AGL 30
INT 45
PER 40
WP 30
FEL 30
Ballistic skill, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
Fieldcraft, Tech
Additional Skills:
Awareness, Scrutiny, Medicae +10, Trade (Armorer, Remembrancer)
Additional Talents:
Additional Gear:
Lasgun with 4 spare magazines, Diagnostor, Medkit
Wounds: 11
Armageddon 101st Siege Infantry
Hive World, with traits swapped as necessary to mirror sample Steel Legion.
Circumspect CO
Siege Infantry
Sharpshooters Doctrine
Iron Discipline Doctrine
Scarred By Loss Drawback
Favoured Weapon: Longlas
Favoured Heavy Weapon: Heavy Bolter
Standard Field Kit
Toxic Environment Trenchcoat
Armageddon Rebreather
Laspistol w/2 clips
Best Quality Flak Armour
Blood Axe Freebootaz
Blood Axe Clan (3 points) - +5 Strength, +5 Perception, Common Lore (Imperium), Scrutiny, Stealth
Choleric CO (2 Points)
Line Infantry (2 points) - Replace equipment with Slugga w/ 4 clips, Choppa, Ork Flak Jacket (2 Body), 4 Stikkbombs
Scavengers (4 points)
Combat Drugs (3 points)
Cloud of Suspicion (3 point drawback) - Enemy (Inquisition)
Favoured Weapon - Burna
Favoured Heavy Weapon - Big Shoota
Orky Void Suit
Bigga Klip Upgrade (See Into The Storm)
2 doses of Slaught
67th Severan "Earthshakers" Artillery Regiment
Fortress World (3 Points) - Hated Enemy (Orks), Bred For War (Severan Dominate variant)
Artillery Regiment (4 Points)
Melancholic CO (2 Points)
Forward Observation (4 Points)
Infiltrators (4 points)
Traitors (5 Point Drawback) - Effective -10 to Logistics, due to having Dominate backing.
Universal Kit, substitute Uplifting Primer for Severan Soldier's guide to battle.
Favoured Weapon - Sniper Rifle
Favoured Heavy Weapon - Lascannon
Survival Suit
Extra Rations
Standard issue Lasgun replaced by an Autogun
Autogun improved to good quality.
Basilisk upgraded to have the Enclosed Vehicle trait.
I have a Tau regiment that is currently in the pipeline - a Fal'shia Sept Hunter Cadre. I'll post it up when I'm done either in here or the Tau vs Death Korps thread in the GM board.
I'm fairly happy to do regiments on request if anyone has a concept they'd like me to explore.
I'd say stay tuned and more might arise, but my roleplay group is beginning to want a break from Sci-Fi games, so besides perhaps posting my horribly warped incarnation of the Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue which was personalised to my Incubus, I don't think I have much more to contribute to this thread.
After a false start in an online game within which this regiment was made, a live game was created with this regiment:
8th Sutler's Canyon Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
Did anyone else want to take a crack at using my alternate regiment creation rules to see what you can put together? Would be helpful for someone else with different assumptions to take them out for a spin.
Next point, I think when listing a writeup for a regiment, it's helpful to include at least some sample characters from that regiment. So if you want to use that regiment in the game as another regiment at the same front, you have something to work with.
Ill take a crack at it crusher bob. I'd like to see how my perellians do in your system
And here's another regiment and sample characters using my proposed fully flexible creation rules. Note that 'sword bayonets' are from here
514th Ctenizidae (The Whisperers)
Ctenizidae is a death world, full or horrible giant spider like creatures and the even more horrible things that feed on them. On the surface of Ctenizidae, the slightest noise can bring death. The surface inhabitants learn noise discipline from the cradle; they even have their own language of hand signs to supplement their whispered Low Gothic.
For the nobility, who mostly live safely in orbit, the silk, chitin, and other byproducts of the native species are a source of great beauty and wealth. For the surface inhabitants, enlistment in an Imperial Guard regiment, with a Guardsmans much reduced chance of being paralyzed and eaten alive by larvae, seems like a gate into heaven.
Unlike most death worlds, the vast majority of Ctenizidae inhabitants are literate in Low Gothic, simply because written communication is a silent way to convey information. They are often quite well read and knowledgeable about a surprising number of things.
Linguistics (Ctenizidae signs)
A combinations of hand signs, hand gripping code, and light signals to allow for silent communication under a variety of circumstances.
Interactions with other regiments:
The average Whisperer finds most other people unbearably loud. They clomp every time they walk, they ‘shout’ whenever they want to have a normal conversation, they often even breathe too loudly. And let's not start on the horrible noises they make when they eat or sleep. Intellectually, the average Whisperer knows that this behavior is no longer a bizarre attempt at murder-suicide by surprise giant spider, but the noises most people take for granted make them very uncomfortable.
Off duty Whisperers are more likely to be found in scriptoriums, imperial chapels (as long as the singing isn’t too loud), and other places of quiet contemplation rather than bars and other typical guardsman venues.
Other guardsmen in proximity who make too much noise are likely to be given a polite written request to reduce the noise level, if that doesn’t work, an exasperated whispered request for same, and if that doesn’t work, a demonstration of the quieting power of the cudgel is likely to follow.
In combat, the Whisperers excel at stealth assaults. They work best in the sort of terrain and/or weather that make operating heavy vehicles difficult.
Starting Stats:
+6 Agility
Starting Skills:
Common Lore (Imperial Guard)
Linguistics (Ctenizidae signs, Low Gothic)
Weapon Training (Low Tech, Solid Projectile)
Starting Additional Aptitude:
Starting Talents:
Enhanced Senses (Hearing)
Light Sleeper
[Quiet, please]
Ctenizidae natives suffer a -10 penalty on all interaction tests made with most non-natives. The few who have similar noise discipline and don't mind the personal space intrusion of someone leaning close to whisper in their ear may not suffer this penalty, an the GM's discretion. Written interactions, as long as the other party reads SILENTLY are similarly exempt.
Starting Wounds: 10
Favored Equipment: Tishina Pattern Grenade Launcher, Vasiliok Pattern Anti-materiel rifle
Starting Gear:
Suit of
Guard Flak
spider silk and chitin Armor
Survival Suit
Chameleoline Cloak
Drop harness
Sword bayonet
(Other standard gear)
Sample Characters:
Pathfinder Minoru
Even for a whisperer, Minoru is one of the quiet ones. He is more likely to be found sketching a flowering plant than interacting with others, though he does take great joy in preparing food for others.
As a pathfinder, his job is to identify the best routes for a march, ensure that no traps are present, and dispose of any sentries, should that be required.
WS 30
BS 31
S 30
T 30
AGL 40
INT 35
PER 40
WP 30
FEL 25
Agility, Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, Perception, Strength
Fieldcraft, Finesse
Additional Skills:
Navigate (Surface), Tech Use, Security, Stealth +10, Trade (Cook), Scholastic Lore (Botany)
Additional Talents:
Deadeye shot
Additional Gear:
Auspex, Sniper Rifle (Main Weapon) with 4 spare magazines, Grapnel and line, Spices and other food flavor improvers (common availability), sketches and written notes on what local plants are edible (and how to make them tasty)
Wounds: 10
Grenadier Sister Ayumi
Sister Ayumi has an understanding of the Imperial Creed that rivals any Ministorum Priest. As long as they are quiet, she is more than happy to discuss the finer points of theology with anyone. She is capable and authorized to lead others in many common religious observances. She is also one of the few Whisperers likely to be seen often by other Guardsmen. She likes to sit in quiet corners of otherwise crowded establishments and remember everything everyone says. It's amazing what information you can pick up this way.
WS 30
BS 40
S 30
T 30
AGL 30
INT 31
PER 30
WP 30
FEL 40
Agility, Ballistic Skill, Fellowship, Intelligence, Toughness
Offense, Social
Additional Skills:
Inquiry, Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy), Linguistics (High Gothic), Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10
Additional Talents:
Rank 0 (Ministorum Sister Simple), Total Recall, Weapon Training (Launch Weapons)
Additional Gear:
Sniper rifle with 4 spare magazines and attached Tishina Pattern Grenade Launcher (Main weapon) with (4 fire, 4 frag, and 2 smoke grenades), Book of Imperial Scripture (Ubiquitous), Religious Icon (Ubiquitous)
Wounds: 10
Nurse Sniper Yuki
Yuki is a constant overachiever. She signed for for both medical and sniper training because they were difficult. Less ardent Whisperers will often make fun of her by sloppily imitating her gestured exhortations to duty. In her favor, she does not let this affect the quality of the medical care she gives them.
WS 25
BS 40
S 30
T 30
AGL 36
INT 40
PER 30
WP 30
FEL 30
Agility, Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, Strength, Toughness
Fieldcraft, Finesse
Additional Skills:
Medicae +10, Trade (Chymist)
Additional Talents:
Nerves of Steel, Weapon Training (Heavy)
Additional Gear:
Vasiliok Pattern Anti-materiel Rifle (main weapon) with 4 spare magazines, Diagnostor, Medkit
Wounds: 10
Cadet Commissar Aphesius
Note: Aphesius is not a native of Ctenizidae, instead being from a Schola Progenium. Thus he doesn’t suffer from the [quiet, please] drawback that the other Whisperers have.
[Paid 1 character creation point to buy off this drawback.]
Aphesius is one of the few among the Commissariat that could easily integrate with the Ctenizidae; thus he has been given much greater authority than is normal for a Cadet Commissar. He is really too young and junior for this responsibility, but is striving mightily to grow into it.
WS 30
BS 30
S 30
T 30
AGL 30
INT 31
PER 30
WP 40
FEL 40
Agility, Ballistic Skill, Fellowship, Perception, Willpower
Leadership, Offense
Additional Skills:
Command +10, Charm, Common Lore (Imperium, Imperial Creed, War), Interrogation, Linguistics (High Gothic), Scholastic Lore (Judgment, Tactica Imperialis), Scrutiny
Additional Talents:
Rank 0 (Cadet Commissar), Resistance (Fear)
Additional Gear:
Sniper Rifle (Main weapon) with 4 spare magazines, nice hat
Wounds: 10
Specialty Gear:
Vasiliok Pattern Anti-materiel rifle
Fires the same rounds as the M34 autocannon, but in a more portable and much more discreet package. Comes with a bipod. Will accept weapon sight type modifications.
Inspiration: Barrett M107A1 / XM109
Class: Heavy, Solid Projectile
Range: 300m
RoF: S/-/-
Damage: 3d10 + 8
Penetration: 6
Magazine: 10
Reload: Full
Traits: Reliable, Silent
Weight: 20Kg
Availability: Very Rare
Tishina Pattern Grenade Launcher
Can be used separately as a basic weapon or attached to another basic weapon like an auxiliary grenade launcher,
Inspiration: BS-1 Tishina
Class: Basic, Launch Weapon
Range: 60m
RoF: S/-/-
Damage: As grenade
Magazine: 1
Reload: Full
Traits: Silent
Weight: 2.5 Kg
Availability: Very Rare
Kupalnitsa Pattern Mortar
This mortar uses magnetic acceleration to propel the mortar rounds instead of conventional propellant. This means that the firing of the round itself is almost silent and generates no tell-tale smoke. On the other hand, the complexity of the magnets makes it somewhat unreliable.
Inspiration: DARPA Electromagnetic Mortar program
Class: Heavy, Launch Weapon
Range: 70m (min range) to 3,000m (max range)
RoF: S/-/-
Damage: As round
Magazine: 1
Reload: Full
Traits: Inaccurate, Indirect(2), Unreliable, Silent
Weight: 20 Kg
Availability: Rare
Edited by crusher bobWith much delay (my fault; job-induced writer's block), finally here is a little somthing Ramellan and I have been working on:
The Xenonian Free Companies (hosted on DarkReign)
This document contains background and rules for the Xenonian Free Companies, an all-female, vehicle-based Guard regiment from a post-apocalyptic world, inspired by references in the 3rd Edition Codex Imperial Guard. In addition to regimental data meant for use in Only War, the file also features historical data and regional descriptions about the planet Xenan VII, to enable its use as a potential adventure setting in other 40k RPG games.
Saw this on Dark Reign, and absolutely love what you guys did. I -have- to incorporate them in my campaign somehow. Diggin the Mad Max influences!