Imperial Hospitality

By odde_dario, in Imperial Assault Campaign

Hello everyone,

yesterday while playing this mission it occurred to me I might have gotten some of the rules wrong.

In this mission the rebels must free a captive and escort him to the exit.

The guide says the rebel moves 2.

At that pace it would take the heroes forever to get him out. Unless...

unless figure with deployment cards can run too.

I just assumed from my Descent days that Imperials (and allies with a deployment card) could just move and attack, but I see now the manual only states that those can't attack twice... not that they can't move twice.

Is that correct? If so, the mission can be won by the rebels, after all, the shortest path to the exit can be reached in 4 turns if you move 4 spaces.

The idea of the rebels having to escort the guy by keeping adjacent to him, and intercepting all of the attacks is really fun! You can practically play that movie scene in your head while playing.

This games is so much fun!

Yes you are correct. The only normal limit is one Attack per activation.

Yes you are correct. The only normal limit is one Attack per activation.

Thanks fot the quick answer!

I don't know how many times I'd give up the opportunity to attack in order to do a second move with my imperials, but it's nice to know I can!