Mercenary Skirmish Upgrade card question.

By Rogue Dakotan, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Sorry I don't have it in front of me so I don't remember what it's called, but I'm pretty sure it has a Sandcrawler on the art.

It gives each player 4VP once the game starts if I'm not mistaken.

What's the point of that? Just make the game faster? Or am I remembering the card text wrong?

I think it would be useful if for some reason you built a squad that has lots of hitting power but not a lot of staying power. With a squad like that, you'd want to reach 40 VPs as soon as possible, and so the "Sandcrawler Card" (great name!) would be a decent option.

I could see it working the other way as well. If you somehow have a very defensive list but can't take things down very fast, you'll slowly be pinging your opponent as you try to gather mission objectives. You'd want to speed up the game to make sure your defenses hold.

Celebration, Price on Their Heads, plus the deployment card comes out to 12 points....that's a lot of tempo in addition to the above comments.

Skirmish game I played I was up 36 to 32 so that 4 points would have 1 me the game instead of rgc killing my last trandotian elite

I think in the future it will be useful to speed the game up but right now I am not sure the mercs have enough support to play that card right now. If ig88s command cards give him a way to get more vp that totally changes things since you have 3 command cards now vs two to really help speed up the game.