App is available.

By guest455987, in XCOM: The Board Game

Got mine, just waiting for the game to appear.

All the best.


Will this app come out for Windows phones? And if not, will people be able to play somehow without it?

I clicked the link, so is that a no on Windows phones? (as when downloaded, my phone scoffs and informs me how unsafe running .exe's are.

There is always the download to Windows so you can run it on a desktop or laptop. I don't think it requires an internet connection once it's downloaded and installed.

I clicked the link, so is that a no on Windows phones? (as when downloaded, my phone scoffs and informs me how unsafe running .exe's are.

Surely there must be some option in the settings that allows you to disable that...? There is on Android phones.

EDIT: Okay, I just checked and I didn't realise that things written for Windows can't run on Windows phones. So yeah - it seems you need an actual PC with regular Windows running on it to use that file.

Edited by Bleached Lizard

Surely there must be some option in the settings that allows you to disable that...? There is on Android phones.

Don't be silly. Unlike Android, Windows is user friendly. User friendly means Windows will stop you from doing anything that even has a chance of being remotely harmful. Even if you know what you're doing, Windows will helpfully assume that you don't. Even if there's no chance of it being harmful, Windows will still ask you to confirm 6 times before crashing because of a missing dll file that has nothing to do with the program you're trying to run.

Windows is also notorious for not bothering to write logical, human readable error messages, leaving you with a cryptic pop up that says something like "Error 800x00EDE433." (The only button you get is "OK.") This is user friendly because you can't possibly know what it means, so then you get to call customer service and ask a real live human being what it means (after waiting on hold for 2 and half hours and getting transferred 4 times.)

He'll look up the code in Microsoft's Knowledge Base (which is also available to the public online from - not that anyone who works there will ever bother to tell you that) and then instruct you to reboot your machine, do any pending Windows Updates, and then try again.

Edited by Steve-O