Homebrew/House Rules

By gyre, in Zombie Apocalypse

I showed the book to my group on the weekend. After going through the rules, an interesting joke came up: "what if you're on fire?" This was expanded upon to include being splashed with acid, or bitten by a cobra. Essentially, what about things that will continue to worsen until you deal with it?

My solution was that in these situations you will continue to accrue one stress per turn until receive treatment (extinguish the fire, neutralize the acid, suck out the poison) and convert it to a trauma. To prevent this from killing you outright in less than nine turns, we agreed that resistance would slow the progression (one resistance slows it to one stress every two turns, and so on).

What do you guys think? Feel free to post any other homebrew ideas or house rules here as well.

I ran my first game this weekend and burning came up. We all decided it would do more harm then good do to the whole one catches on fire and proceeds to catch the others on fire and whatever else is around it :) .

But to the question at hand, i think the way you are doing it works. They do mention burns at the varying trauma levels but don't go into detail about the burn itself. In a way i wish ffg would reapond to some of these posts as there is a lot of questions that have come up and while amongst ourselves we are able to figure things out it would be great if we had kind of a "official" response. I know i could contact them but i would have to look back and gather up a few questions and make it worth my while.

As for my own rules i really like the head shot rule from night of the meteor and i will adapt that rule for the other scenarios. The other thing is i really think animals should have been in no room in hell so i would have humans are the initial issue but if they bite an animal then the animal turns as well which further spreads it.

For character creation everyone just put up their hands to vote. They didn't care about it being secret and it was so much quicker.

I would make it a persistent negative condition which must be dealt with before going away. Each round you would have to make a Vitality test. One base positive d6 vs 2 negative d6 (one base plus one for the fire). If the character actively tries to put out the fire he gets an additional positive d6. More if anyone helps him put out the fire. If he is able to get more successes than stress he is successful at putting out the fire.