Hmmm....Drawn back like whispers from an old flame...

By Ezuna, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Well somethings up....

I just couldn't shake the feeling I was missing something...

Dusted off Arkham much sooner than I expected too and gave it another serious bash and the more I play the more hooked I'm becoming.

Don't know why I didn't 'get' this first time around...maybe it's just taken some time to step away and ponder the rules and think about things. But now it's all falling into place and for some reason it's no where near as complicated as I first thought.

So glad I gave this one a second chance....

Good for you! It's a great game, and in my opinion, has stood the test of time, as it celebrates its 10th Anniversary this year...and one of the most successful co-ops in the history of board games.

Glad you like the game better :)

Joe's right, passing ten years of age and still being in production means becoming officially a classic :)

But now it's all falling into place and for some reason it's no where near as complicated as I first thought.

The non-euclidean rules almost seem to whisper dark secrets when you are not looking. Did I say that out loud? Off to the asylum. Again.

It really does have a certain amount of pull. I'm glad you decided to give it another go, and I hope you really begin to enjoy it. Kudos to you for giving it another go though.

Good luck! See you around! :D

Old flames are like that....they know your needs and weaknesses, and if you let them back into your life, they can consume you and re-ignite that passion.......welcome a forever........

Arkham Horror is the best thing you can do with your clothes on........

i have had AH for a long time and sometimes it just sits there gathering dust. i own everything minus Kingsport.

And sometimes the urge is there, what shall we play?

AH of course!


Frustration....waiting on King in Yellow....**** you Amazon and your misleading delivery times...

You know, the King in Yellow often dances with madness...

sure the exp will arrive soon!

I don't know...Amazon can prove remarkably fast. I ordered Kingsburg on Monday afternoon, with an expected delivery date of Wednesday, and it arrived last night before I arrived home from work



Off-topic. If you're playing Kingsburg, get the expansion as well. It offers some diversity that the game radically needs.

Agreed. Core game is a little... lame.

I had the same exact experience as yourself

Thanks, all for the Kingsburg advice. I'll await the reprint, as Amazon has it for $100...not worth that price :lol:

do not buy any small box expansions for more than 25$ (not including shipping) or big box for more than 50$(not including shipping). If it isn't listed anywhere for less than those amounts, check out this page and sort by reprints and board games. Arkham sets are usually being reprinted about every 6 months or less.

Thank you, sir!