Lurker dark pacts and devoured.

By herites, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Hi! Do you keep your dark pacts when you get devoured or you discard them along with your blessing, etc only keeping gate and monster trophies. Also if you discard the bound ally pact, what happens? You put it on the ancient one sheet signifying that a pact has been made or you just simply discard it?

- Dark Pacts are discarded when you're devoured

- Bound Ally Dark Pacts (if you have any) are placed on the AO sheet only if the AO awakens

Hope this clarifies your doubts :)

So if I get devoured while having a bound ally I discard the ally and the bound ally pact card instead of placing it on the AO. What happens to allies that are discarded after a devour? Do they get shuffled back into the deck or go back to the box?

They are discarded; allies are returned to the box only when game effects instruct them to go this way (due to encounters, for instance, or some Mythos cards - like Heiress found missing! ) or when the Terror level rises.