Max Headroom Theme Cards

By Marinealver, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Well after watching some old sci-fi classics such as Max headroom that cybernetwork dystopia where corporations control everything I though of some Max Headroom themed cards.


Network 23

NBN 45/10

Identity Division

If you have 1 or more bad publicity you may forfeit an agenda and remove bad publicity tags equal or less of the forfeited agenda's point value. The highest rated channel world wide.

Bryce Gardner

NBN 3 influence

Asset Sys Op

8 Credits

Click Look at the top card of R&D, You may then choose to either place it in hand or at the bottom of R&D. I'm rather very busy at the moment. I have created a digital parrot... It squawks.

Trash cost 3


Edison Carter

Shaper 40/10

Identity Natural 1 Link

If Tagged gain 4 Credits when you initiate a run. You always loose 4 credits and a Tag if a run is unsuccessful. This is Edison Carter, Live... and Direct


Shaper 3 Influence

Resource Connection

10 Credits

If you are tagged at the start of your turn you gain a credit for each tag you have.

Max Headroom

Runner 4 Influence

Program AI

15 Credits 3 Memory

5 Link If you run on a remote server that has cards with advancement tokens on it. Gain 2 credits for each advancement token on that server. If you just trashed a card that prevents you from flat-linning you may install this card for free. How do you know when our executive is lying?... His lips are moving!

So Any other ideas, like a vidicam console or Chairman Grossman? I would put some more but it is getting late.

Edited by Marinealver