Cadia and hatred

By felismachina, in Only War

Lately i was thinking about making recon regiment from Cadia but i ran into a little problem. Since they are from Cadia, regiment is from fortress world. Fortress world characters have hatred (chaos). Now what if regiment would be deployed against chaos forces and their job is to scout not engage. It looks like hatred don't make sense in recon regiment so what do you people thinks should be a substitute for this talent that match current fluff about Cadia.

Btw hatred (chaos) for all Cadians don't make sense since some of regiments turned to chaos, so why would they do that if they hate them?

Hatred just gives you a bonus to hit whoever it is you hate. For Cadia specifically the GM is allowed if he likes to require a Willpower test to avoid attacking, but he doesn't have to.

Hatred is an obsessive dislike for something. To hate something means you spend a lot of time thinking about it. If someone's gonna fall to Chaos, it's not gonna be the guy who hates Tyranids and barely even thinks about Chaos. It's gonna be the guy who knows Chaos inside and out and then, as the Joker put it, has one bad day that reverses his perspective. And a lot of people have one bad day when they're standing on the precipice of the Eye of Terror.

Plus, even compared to other factions, Chaos is FILLED with people who hate each other; frequently, only their also hatred of external factions, coupled with a particularly powerful, cunning, or ridiculous leader usually gets them to be such a problem for everyone else. Tzeentch and Nurgle hate each other, if memory serves, but Tzeentch and Khorne are never on good terms, either, due to the latter's hatred of Psykers and Sorcerers, and they all hate Slaanesh, for being the baby of the group, but who toppled the Eldar (the Eldar sort of toppled themselves, but the idea is there), and for being weird, even by their standards. Like Failbadon or hate him, but only someone like him (read: him) can unite these disparate forces under one banner, and say "I DON'T CARE WHAT ANY OF YOU WANT!!! DO WHAT I'M SAYING, OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!" Without a menace like Abaddon to unite them [bLAM!] force them to work together, Chaos is never so menacing as they COULD be, with mastery of the warp, the most proficient Psykers/Sorcerers, and access to still living members of the days when the Emperor walked among men, in the form of ancient CSMs and Dark Mechanicus, whose time in the warp has spared them from portions of aging, and extended their lives with dark promises. As powerful as the Imperium is, it is often at the mercy of capricious warp conditions, tech it barely knows how to maintain, and fear of every different thing; all of these Chaos COULD get around, and as a combined force, be unstoppable, but they can't work together well, for fear of double crosses, and all that. Even Abaddon is eventually forced back into the Eye, to lick his wounds, and lose the combined might of his forces to their infighting, waiting to be able to threaten them all back into teamwork, when the stars align again.

With all this clannishness and hatred in them, it's not a big stretch to see how they could both be members, and despise their brethren, maybe the other factions, or maybe even the others at their side; the Ruinous Powers favor singularly potent and capable individuals.

Yeah don't confuse Hatred and the Bred For War rules. They're different things.

And when there's overwhelming incentive not to attack (i.e. we won't win) then don't make them roll not to. However if they identify a couple of cultists milling about just a little bit away from the main camp that they might be able to assassinate....

...Maybe they feel lucky...

On Cadia, by inquisitor general Neve (Eisenhorn, book 2) "this is Cadia, on the edge of the eye of terror, this place breeds recidivists the way a pond breeds scum."

Even with these complications, Cadia remains a loyal strongpoint of imperial support. Even Abbadon's 13th Black Crusade only managed to contest the world, after blowing up a planet IN SYSTEM. There are only a handful of places in imperial controlled space that are harder to crack.

Suggestion: Utilize Hatred as a fuel for the roleplay aspect more so then the game mechanics. Hatred of a foe should be portrayed and acted in such a way that makes sense. "Their time will come, for now we gather our strength" says the Lieutenant as she peers through the binoculars. Her disgust for these dregs of traitor scum was well worn by the visible scorn and contempt upon her face. Restraint was needed for our discipline and loyalty to the Emperor is what would bring us victory. It was that very discipline that separated us from these heretics.

These are Cadians, some of the most soldiery soldiers that have soldiered the **** 40k universe.

So yes while some Cadians have changed allegiances over to chaos those are most likely going to experience some sort of negative game mechanic to themselves if confronted by their loyalist brothers and sisters.

Cadians will also have the discipline not to engage (the hated foe) unless ordered to.

Personally I see nothing wrong with reporting back on what the enemy was doing - up to the point your squad attacked and killed them all! ;)

Hatred and love are both attracting emotions. Pretty much the way lupa puts it.

And chaos is an insidous thing:

It's a fine line that moves further along each day, each fight, each kill. The more you fight them, the more you hate them, the more you kill them. And one day you find yourself standing over the bloodpact soldier you have just stabbed 36 times in the face while yelling "blood for the Emperor! skulls for the golden throne!" And now the commisar is looking at you funnily. Welcome to chaos.

As Nietzsche put it: "He who fights monsters must look to it that he himself does not become a monster."

"Btw hatred (chaos) for all Cadians don't make sense since some of regiments turned to chaos, so why would they do that if they hate them?"

Surely that is exactly why the Loyal Cadians hate Chaos.