Should I even bother with F&D

By kmanweiss, in General Discussion

Huge fan of SW, huge fan of FFG, long time RPG fan.

Own most of the EotE and AoR stuff.

My group doesn't really care for the force. All hardcore SW fans, but no one has a force using character. No one plans to ever roll one up.

Back when we played D20 star wars, only 1 force sensetive character was ever rolled up, but force powers were more of an afterthought for that character.

What EotE and AoR offers up for force using characters and enemies is more than enough to cover our needs as far as the force is concerned.

I'd love to go to a FLGS and thumb through the book for a bit to decide myself, but thats just not possible as the nearest FLGS is anything but L. 3.5 hours in one direction or 4 hours in the opposite direction, and last time I was at either, they didn't carry much of either AoR or EotE.

So I'm requesting your assistance!

Does F&D offer any content of any value to a group like mine?

Is the new content force based focused? Careers, equipment, etc?

Can the new careers be played as non-FU, and if so, are they significantly different from what already is doable with EotE and AoR?

Is there new vehicles or other things that might be at least interesting to non-force users? Or are the new ships all jedi/sith based?

This next one may be a little harder to answer as the only insight we have right now is the beta adventure.

Will the rest of the F&D content (adventure modules, beginner box, etc) be geared towards force users and force users alone?

Will the adventures all revolve around searching for jedi relics, using force powers, discovering jedi temples, and fighting wannabe sith?

Would a group of non-FU characters feel completely out of place in the adventures?

Should I bother to follow F&D and spend money on the product for my group, or should I just funnel that money into X-Wing, Armada, and IA?

Thanks in advance!

Well, technically speaking, all cores tend to include things that can be useful to all groups. Even if you at the smallest point you don't care to have Force-powered enemies (Inquisitor in particular), there's new ships/vehicles, enemies/beasts, and some equipment that isn't just lightsaber-based. But in general, it might not be too useful. I guess, you could consider buying the Beta book to get these stats though. It's cheaper, and probably cuts most the stuff you wouldn't use anyways (fluff, whatever the completed incarnations of the talent trees and such will be).

It's primarily just force-user based, yes.

Technically, all characters, even droids, can buy into the new specializations. But most trees have a ton of talents that are Force talents - essentially you can only use these talents if you have a force rating. A non-force user is better off spending their experience on more normal trees.

The new vehicles aren't jedi/sith-based per se. It's more that the ships tend to be on the cheaper side since it's assumed most players aren't going to be needing a big ship for performing illicit smuggling, or taking on the Empire and getting themselves brought to their attention. So basically, while there's a few neat things, if you're focused on fighting the Empire or doing whatever a smuggler does, EotE and AoR pretty much have you covered.

It's likely that the adventures will still be open enough that you can go through them with entirely non-Force user groups, they will likely in general deal with the Force in some way - so if you're not into those kinds of things, then you might elect to not bothering.

From the look of your questions, I'd hazard a guess that this probably won't be the product line for your group. Probably best to stick to EotE/AoR and consider the other FFG Star Wars games. Imperial Assault in particular is fun and can be played with up to 5 people (1 Imperial, 4 Rebels).

Absolutely what Lathrop said.

This is the Force book, and it makes no apologies for that. If you're not really into that, there's nothing that's 'must-have' here.

There are probably a few vehicles and things not in the other books, but the emphasis is obviously going to be on Force things. Those who wanted this had to wait until last after all, so I understand why they didn't do non-Force-sensitive specs or careers. Each of the 'core' books has a focus after all.

We don't know exactly what the F&D adventures will involve yet, but I would strongly expect the focus is going to be on the Force - finding old artefacts, facing off against Force-using foes, etc. I would imagine that you'd have to have at least one PC interested in this stuff to make it worthwhile.

I think the F&D Beta is very well balanced, but the kid-gloves really do come off with this one. You can do some fairly insane Force things with this book, but it's balanced that you need a lot of XP to do it. If you want to keep the Force to being a subtle influence like the original movies, EoE and AoR already have you covered.

Edited by Maelora

It will likely also have new planets and some species that won't be available elsewhere.

Buy The Core When It Comes Out, That's My Plan It Will Be The Rule On TheForce. None Of Your Players Might Want It Now, But That Might Change. And Some Of Your Enemies Will Have It.We've Been Given Snippets On Them With How They Relate To Other Games But This Will Be It.

Plus New Hear And Weapons And Species. I Think Its Worth it.

Truthfully don't know yet.

As far as the Beta is concerned, the force powers alone are worth the price if at some later point you want to use them but not the careers.

More ships and planets listed are useful but ultimately its what you want in your game that most important and you'll probably be fine without it.

Just remember the Beginner box sets are always worth it even if the box it comes in aren't!

Honestly, if none of your players are interested in playing a Force-user, F&D is going to have limited utility. It would be awesome for statting up Force-using NPC's, of course, but your money is probably better spent elsewhere.

That said, it is an awesome book. The new Force powers are incredible, and I can't get over the careers and specs. Even though I'm in a non-Force-using game, I still love the book just for firing the imagination.

Agreed that your group probably won't care about it. If anybody does want to dabble in the Force, there's enough in EotE to dabble with anyway.

Will the rest of the F&D content (adventure modules, beginner box, etc) be geared towards force users and force users alone?

Will the adventures all revolve around searching for jedi relics, using force powers, discovering jedi temples, and fighting wannabe sith?

I can only hope not. The Jedi of old didn't just run around looking for artifacts, they settled trade disputes, kept the crime syndicates in line, tried to settle violent military conflicts, organized disaster relief, etc.

Agreed that your group probably won't care about it. If anybody does want to dabble in the Force, there's enough in EotE to dabble with anyway.

Will the rest of the F&D content (adventure modules, beginner box, etc) be geared towards force users and force users alone?

Will the adventures all revolve around searching for jedi relics, using force powers, discovering jedi temples, and fighting wannabe sith?

I can only hope not. The Jedi of old didn't just run around looking for artifacts, they settled trade disputes, kept the crime syndicates in line, tried to settle violent military conflicts, organized disaster relief, etc.

They did that stuff under the Jedi Order, which was an organization which existed and had a mandate from the government to do that kind of stuff.

The Jedi Order doesn't exist in the time of the Empire, so settling trade disputes and organizing disaster relief would be a little difficult.

My guess is the content for Force & Destiny would involve the kind of stuff that's appropriate to being Force users but not actual Jedi, being on the run from the Empire in a galaxy which has either forgotten about you or actively demonizes you.

My guess is the content for Force & Destiny would involve the kind of stuff that's appropriate to being Force users but not actual Jedi, being on the run from the Empire in a galaxy which has either forgotten about you or actively demonizes you.

I'm sure that will be the theme too. What I said was more a roundabout way of hoping future modules will be more than just "exploring a Jedi temple looking for a holocron". It's getting old...

Or... Maybe the core release and having it on the table will make your players want to play force sensitives?

No one in my game is doing anything with the force thusfar but I am absolutely sure F&D will change that in a NY minute.

Do you need it? Yes! Even though you may not be playing Jedi (although the GM might want to throw one at the players some day), at the very least it will have stats and gear and planets and fluff and aliens and ships that you will be able to use in non-Jedi capacity.

With so little resources out on the 3 systems, every sourcebook is valuable even if your players are not using that material at the moment.

I suspect the splat books will have info on running various careers. like how the splatbooks for age and edge have those sections to the books.

so, kman, its been about two weeks. what have you decided?