Eternal Games - A Game of Thrones Store Championship - Warren, MI

By JohnyNFullEffect, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Reminder that the SC is this coming Saturday!

Here's the standings from our Store Championship today at Eternal Games:

1. Jason (Stark NA Meera)
2. Mallesh (GJ NA Negotiations)
3. Casey (Lanni AaA Wheels)
4. John B (Lanni AaA Negotiations)
5. Seth (Stark Siege Fear of Winter)
6. Tom (Martell NA Orphan)
7. John F (Targ HoD Dragonpit Street Waif)
8. Moe (Martell Bloodthirst)
9. Josh (GJ NA Naval Escort)
10. James (Lanni DWDW Castellan)
11. Scott (GJ NA Red Keep)
12. Cameron (Stark Wildlings x3 Val)