Death Star Beware

By canadiangamer22, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Store Championship season is coming up, and there are lot of scary archetypes out there now. I love that in decicing on a list you now have to consider countering both Rebel & Imp swarms, Decimators, Phantoms, Fat Hans & 360 HLC's. I had the opportunity to play a bunch of friendly games over the holliday season and here was my favourite list by far, I call it 'Death Star Beware' because, well, I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

Han + Predator + EU + Gunner + C3PO + MF

Luke + Lone Wolf + R2D2+ Shield Upgrade

Most opponents will go after Han first, try to take him out, and that frees up Luke to wreak havoc as a flanker. Even if Han does die, as long as he's able to do some serious damage in the process I think I'll always have a decent change with Luke in the endgame. He is a total beast. I used to run Corran and turtle every other turn, but I love that Luke gets to use his focus offensively and still get a re-roll (Lone wolf) + soft focus due to his ability defensively.

What do you think this squad's main weakness would be? I think it would be in tought against a swarm, and a defensive decimator as well, and I'm not sure how well it'd fair against a well flown phantom, though I am counting on Han to win that fight.

Constructive Criticism is always appreciated!

If Han goes down before Luke against any of the big turrets with boost that move after Luke or against VI-Whisper, your opponent will need to screw up for you to win. Han is enough points that if he goes down your opponent can basically make you come to them because it is their game to lose. I wouldn't be surprised if Luke gets more or less ignored.

Don't take that as me crapping on your list. As long as you identify what needs to die because Luke won't be able to finish it off and make that happen before Han goes down you might do alright with it.

Don't take that as me crapping on your list. As long as you identify what needs to die because Luke won't be able to finish it off and make that happen before Han goes down you might do alright with it.

Don't worry, no crapping was assumed. I agree that the keys here (assuming my opponent focuses on Han first) are:

- Han dealing significant damage before he pops, especially against high pilot skill, high maneuvarbility ships

- Luke get into the fight EARLY as a flanker, so he can deal siginicant range 1 damange while being largely ignored. He's a beast in the end game, but not a very maneuverable one.

I typically kill the smaller ship first because then I can just focus fire and kill the larger ship

I'd say the biggest thing to avoid is getting Luke between Han and the enemy. To bring Han into play, it will kill Lone Wolf, and that will make Luke a lot easier to kill. I think this will make a lot of people try to jump Luke. Plan accordingly.

I typically kill the smaller ship first because then I can just focus fire and kill the larger ship

I think that would work in this lists favor unless the dice were unfriendly. Luke should stand a decent chance against multiple attacks in a round and can regen health if you don't finish him off. If Luke and Han can thin out the opponent's numbers before Luke drops, the Falcon stands a good chance of being able to finish the job.