How many players ?

By Raviv, in Chaos in the Old World

Funny enough, I couldn't find anywhere on this site how many players this game is for.

It's clear the maximum is 4, but what's the minimum ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ?

it says 3-4 on BGG, but I'm not sure that's true.

Actually the absence of this very important piece on information might imply FFG haven't decided yet, and they are still testing the game with 2 or 3 players.

I really hope this game will play well with 2 players. Only occasionally am I able to round up more people than that who are tolerable enough to endure their company for an hour or two.

The minimum at the very least is 3 players, since the preview mentions what happens when one of the Ruinous powers are left out, meaning when you have less than maximum number of player.

I too hope it supports 2 player games.

I also hope that 2 players will work,althought it does appear to be desighed for 4.


You might be able to make a decent game for 2 playing 2 powers each.

Now it's annoying. According to the "Upcoming" page, the game is already on the boat, which probably means the game is done and ready, and the rulebook was already printed.

How come FFG still don't show the number of players on the game's mini-site ?

It's on board? Wow that means taht it will be earlier than everyone thoght. If the game is for 3-4 players then I will not buy it. I love the Warhammer Universum but I don't have so much players interested in it.

FFG could give as a preview of the rulebook.

Well, while is still doesn't say anywhere "3-4 players", the setup process (specifically, stage 6 on the back cover of the rules) specifically mentions it should be 4 players or 3 players.

Still, it's weird that it does not appear anywhere "officially".

Anyway, I'm personally disappointed. I really hoped for 2-player option.

Giving the rules a quick read-through, I didn't spot anything straight away that would suggest you can't play it with just 2.

My group has 3 on Saturdays/Holidays, but only 2 on any other days. Could work for me, could work.

Sounds like yet another game for for a set number of players with alibi rules for different numbers. Like Britannia, where they state 3-5 and mean "only 4". Won't buy it, I think.