second death star

By Ihavebadluck, in X-Wing Off-Topic

when they are inside the second death star why are so few shots fired by the interceptors? they follow them the whole way and they aren't shooting for a great deal of it. even in the large center the rebels get their shots off without the interceptor behind them firing a shot

They were all suffering from 'Blinded Pilot'? :blink:

I'm guessing it was self preservation. If you destroy a ship in front of you, you have to fly through the wreckage which could possibly destroy you and/or disorient you into the walls. Perhaps after that tie fighter shot down the x-wing, he had a close call, and told his wingmen not to fire anymore.

That's probably why the only time you see the interceptors shoot is when they are in the clear space of the reactor chamber. As to why they didn't continue firing, who knows. Perhaps they were firing offscreen but weren't getting enough damage in, similar to when tie fighters in previous movies shot the falcon over and over.

also how does the falcon stay on the tails of interceptors to shoot them? o.0

I was too busy trying to understand why they sent a freighter down into the rapidly shrinking maze of tunnels rather than just fighters. Everyone carried torpedoes so there was no advantage to it (i know,i know. Story etc)

I was too busy trying to understand why they sent a freighter down into the rapidly shrinking maze of tunnels rather than just fighters. Everyone carried torpedoes so there was no advantage to it (i know,i know. Story etc)

More ships you send higher the change one will survive to make the attack.

I think Gosric was referring to the whole 'running out of space to maneuver' thing, rather than the firepower issue.

Where did i mention firepower? its simple the more darts you throw at the board the higher the chance you'll hit at least once.

What we see in return is the entire rebel fleet they throw everything at the second death star, why would that apply to large ships but not small?

Maybe they needed all the fighters to fend of the tie swarms (x wings), blow up the star destroyers (B-wings) and ram the executor's bridge (A-wing) to send in support of the Falcon.

As to why they sent the falcon? I dunno, maybe Lando Calrisian "convinced" Mon Mothma?

Where did i mention firepower? its simple the more darts you throw at the board the higher the chance you'll hit at least once.

What we see in return is the entire rebel fleet they throw everything at the second death star, why would that apply to large ships but not small?

You mentioned it indirectly: More ships = more firepower.

But, the problem is 'big freighter running out of space,' not numbers or attack power.

Yep, I'm in the "sending the Falcon is was crazy" camp (same goes for Y-Wings), but look how it worked out? That's why I'm not an admiral. (Until April, anyway).

What if they missed? They may have been waiting for the perfect shot so they don't accidentally hit the reactor themselves.

I think it would of been stressful for the TIE pilots.


"Yeah! We killed all the rebels who entered the Death Star."

"But Black 6 over there he shot the main reactor going for that last X-Wing and took out the Death Star himself."

"Can't win them all. Lets go have some blue milk,"

Edited by Filthy Pierre

I think I know hat happend. The interceptor pilot directly behind the falcon was a reb, or a imp that had moral issues with a weapon like the Death Star exisiting. He / she had plenty of time to shot and kill the Falcon but never fired, even in areas where the reactor was not in danger of being hit.

If you watch the 2nd interceptor behind the first actuly takes a shot at the first interceptor.

I always wondered if Ad. Ozzel was a rebel supporter. He really didn't want to go to the Hoth systhem. And then he came out of hyperspace to close to the planet. Now there's being clumsy and stupid, and there is trying to warn the rebels...

I seem to remember reading somewhere that to destroy the core they needed to use concussion missiles and that proton torpedoes would not work hence Falcon had to go in.

I always wondered if Ad. Ozzel was a rebel supporter. He really didn't want to go to the Hoth systhem. And then he came out of hyperspace to close to the planet. Now there's being clumsy and stupid, and there is trying to warn the rebels...

I always wondered if Ad. Ozzel was a rebel supporter. He really didn't want to go to the Hoth systhem. And then he came out of hyperspace to close to the planet. Now there's being clumsy and stupid, and there is trying to warn the rebels...

Its possible they could write materiel showing him being a Rebel supporter or a Rebellious IMP, they be different. As it is now in the IMP Guide Book, they show that he is very bad at NAVAL warfare, I was worried they were going to make it out that every IMP is bad at strategists BUT they showed most are very good. Ozzel not so much.

IM pretty sure though in my example with the two Interceptors that the lead rebelled. I don't see any other reason why the lead would never fire at the Falcon and why the leads wing man would fire at them.

General Veers seems a very competent ground assault commander. He's also one of the few IMPs vader doesn't choke in Empire.