One Direction

By jesper_h, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Guess which ship is loving this large-base, low-agility meta?

Gold Squadron Pilot (18)

Ion Cannon Turret (5)

R3-A2 (2)

Gold Squadron Pilot (18)

Ion Cannon Turret (5)

Flechette Torpedoes (2)

Gold Squadron Pilot (18)

Ion Cannon Turret (5)

Flechette Torpedoes (2)

Gold Squadron Pilot (18)

Ion Cannon Turret (5)

Flechette Torpedoes (2)

Total: 100

Ok I'm ioned. Then what?

I've played this list three times, each game tabling the opponent. First was Fat Han, second 58 Dash, third Echo + Chirenau. Dash was the hardest, but once double-stressed there's no avoiding the ion tokens. Even Phantoms will eventually fail with their four green dice.

Flechettes are there to give the Golds a bite at Range 3.

Meta is full of two-ship or three-ship lists right now. Once you get a ship ioned (and stressed), walking it off the board or onto asteroids is trivial. With four Y-Wings, you're putting a total of 20 Hull and 12 Shield on the table. It's a lot to chew through.

I don't think it will do well against a large swarm, but flying formation against those ion turrets is going to be very difficult. It's a fun list to play an works by completely dictating the flow of the battle.

I'd take out one of the gold's as well as flechettes on another to make way for hobbie with r3a2

You know you currently can't stress any large ships with Flechette Torpedoes, right?

A yes, ion weapons... Nasty and very good :-)

You know you currently can't stress any large ships with Flechette Torpedoes, right?

I know. Read the second sentence in my last post. Flechettes are the cheapest way to maintain firepower at Range 3; when I would otherwise be forced to use my primary weapon.