Warhammer Invasion Organized Play ONLINE

By Romanz, in Living Card Games

Hi to everyone, I've opened this thread because I truly love this game and I love the idea of the LivingCardGame based on the Warhammer Universe.

The players are a lot here but we have one problem: the distance.

I don't know if FFG have in project a version online of this fantastic game but I wanna ask the support of every player for make some noise.

The game can be a Free-to-play with payment in game, will be ok.

But what I need more is a tournament section, maybe with a system "buy a ticket for play an event".

Probably I'll create a petition.

Let me know what do You thin about it.

If You agree with me, support my idea.

Cheers, Andrea.


Why make multiple threads about the same topic? Especially as the last one is still high up in the forums.