G.I. Joe Minature game

By Robin Graves, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Would you play a mini's game, similar to x-wing or imperial assault, based on the G.I. joe cartoons/toys?


Edited by Robin Graves

As long as it ignored the movies and that Sigma 6 garbage.

As long as it ignored the movies and that Sigma 6 garbage.

And "GI Joe extreme".


Goddamit 90's Y U eff up my 80's 'toons?

Edited by Robin Graves

I'd probably play a warhammer style version with lead minis you paint yourself.

A guy in the UK did a whole set of conversions for the UK version of Gi JOE (action force its called in the UK) and those were sweet.

I think xwing gets away with the prepaints because of the scale.

Oddly enough when i was about 12 i invented a 'wargame' for my gi joe figures. All based around a 12"/30cm ruler and six sided dice and some home made 'hit/damage' cards.

IIRC you could move twice, fire twice or move and fire once in either order.

The weapons were either 12, 24 or 36 inch range (pistols/smg 12", rifles 24" , heavy weapons 36"

I cant rememeber more than that but i know me and my friend Andy used them to have epic gi joe battles using the whole garden for a entire summer break.

I think we called it something naf like attacktics.

I have a friend that still plays a game with full size GI-Joes, they call it Floor Wars

Apparently there are wargames rules for lego

lefo star wars battles could be fun.. do some damage on that snowpeeder.. well you can pull some bricks off it!

Along those lines, has anyone tried Dust Tactics?

Would you play a mini's game, similar to x-wing or imperial assault, based on the G.I. joe cartoons/toys?


I think if it were non-collectable figures and no blind buy, with storied missions and seasonal campaigns books that included a figure pack, but you could also offer a TCG style upgrade pack.

I think i playtested one of the 'dust' sets of rules.

One of the ones Andy Chambers was doing as he sent them to a mate i game with and we proxied models to play it.

I wasnt amazingly impressed with the rules.

It was DUST something.

You know that Gi joe drawing brings back a lot of memories. It was my main toy obsession along with star wars

I had a hell of a lot of it, probably half th vehicles and 3/4s of the figures on that poster

Who was your fave though

I loved Snake eyes for the good guys and storm shadow and firefly for the bad guys.

Along those lines, has anyone tried Dust Tactics?

When I first looked into getting onto a new wargame I looked into Dust first and stumbled on X-Wing. I have not played Dust but I am fascinated by the figures at 1:48 scale and painting them.

I always wanted to write a game for tamiya 1/35 figures.

You played an individual soldier....or two or three max and used the kits to build three models for the same guy (crawling, kneeling, standing) and changed the model to reflect his pose so you could see how mobile he was and how hard to hit he was at a glance

I started writing a set of rules with an old GW colleague called ian pickstock called 'cross of iron' intended to use this system. each figure had a wheel that tracked action points used and fatigue generated...you could keep moving a figure until he failed a fatigue roll then control passed to the other side....it also swapped if they were spotted in the open

so you could slowly move a lot of guys forwards or risk rushing one man in but have him blow it by trying to do too much alone.

Along those lines, has anyone tried Dust Tactics?

Nope, minis looked **** intresting tough.

Who was your fave though

I loved Snake eyes for the good guys and storm shadow and firefly for the bad guys.

Zartan! I still have the figure on my shelf. (had an awesome commercial to)To bad i never got a Serpentor or alley viper.

From the joe's not Snake eyes (becuz my first joe figure was Storm shadow, so i'm very much team Storm shadow :) )

i was very fortunate. when i was like 8 or 9 i was adopted, and the guy i call my dad was a warrant officer in the army, so he made a decent living. mom is a shrink, so when i was a kid, i really didnt want for anthing.

i remember having the terror drome, the USS Flagg, the whale, tomahawk, HISS, the rattler and the stryker to name a few, i had a lot more but it would take a long time to go through the list...i couldnt count how many of the action figures i had growing up, as well as the fact that my brother and i had our own play room with it all set up.

no joke, dad even put two different colors of carpet in the room, one was light tan, the other was dark blue. that way we could do beach and sea landings with all the jets and the boats.

dad just hated stepping on all the weapons, specifically the backpacks....man he used to get so irritated...lol...

short answer, HELL yes. and i bet i could get my brother to play it too.

Edited by sc077y

Wow the flagg,that was a real beast.

I loved zartan, i didnt realise he changed colour in sunlight and was amazed first time i saw it happen.

still bugs me it didn't come with a Skystriker tough. But then again, The Flagg was expensive enough as it was.

I usually just made cobra bases out of styrofoam packaging.

And my cousing got in trouble for using a heated knitting kneedle to make bullet holes in his GIJoe vehicles.

There was a strip in the comic once with ace in a skystrker versus wild weasel and the baroness in a 'rattler' (the cobra A10 thing)

That really got me interested in air combat as it was vaguely educational and a great story.

Sadly i never had either plane.... :(

I had Wild bill in the Dragonfly assault helicopter. I find it a bit ironic it's based on the real life cobra attack helicopter.

A Joe flying a cobra!

yeah i had that, it was awesome, possibly one of the last gi joe toys i bought (growing out of it at that point) along wth the cobra hydrofoil.

The hydrofoil was huge... not on the same scale as the USS Flag but a very big toy with loads of features.

Annoyingly i didnt really have any sea stuff for the joes to fight it.

or the platform for it to attack

Yeah that platform doesn't do it for me. When i first saw it as a kid, i tought: "why do the joes need an oil rig?"

There was a strip in the comic once with ace in a skystrker versus wild weasel and the baroness in a 'rattler' (the cobra A10 thing)

That really got me interested in air combat as it was vaguely educational and a great story.

Sadly i never had either plane.... :(

Issue #34, Shake Down I think it was called. It was one of a handful of comics I kept when I sold off my collection a few years back. It was my favorite issue. I had probably about 90% of the toys made before 1990.

My favorites were all the planes and helicopters.

I only know the movies. Liked the Retaliation but found the first movie...

In the toyline he later joined the Joe team. This was towards the end of the line. I think cobra commander was like: "Snake eyes and storm shadow on the same team? that's it we quit!"