Old Netrunner Player Questions

By GrandpaDJ, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

My son just pointed this site out to me. I used to play the original ccg and still have boxes of cards in the garage plus few decks on a bookcase. What is this new stuff versus the original? Very interested in anything breathing life into the game but I can't find a quick answer to this. Thanks!

I'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking. Are you asking if the new cards are backwards compatible with the original product? If so, the answer would be no. If you're asking if it's a good game that breathes life into the experience of playing Netrunner, odds are that would be a yes.

If you're asking about the differences between old and new, there are several, where would you want to start?

Edited by Grimwalker

I wasn't very clear. Sorry about that! I was really surprised there wasn't a FAQ that covered this question.

1. Does this new game replace the original? Can the cards be used together or are they completely separate?

2. Big picture, what has changed from the first version? Not worried about the details. If I, as an experienced Netrunner player, picked up a new deck, could I just start playing with no problems?

3. If the rules are pretty much the same, is this simply a new card issuing, trying to generate excitement (and revenue)? That's not a bad thing but I already have a bunch of perfectly good cards!

4. What is up with all the different sets/expansions/card buying options?

I think that is a pretty good start.

1I believe it does, Besides the obvious difrrence in card backs, there's also balance issues and card costs etc. Best to keep 'em separate.

2. The general idea is the same and i bet most of the rules are aswell. The biggest change are new key words and rewording of some of the rules. (Help me out here, but i think the old game didn't have factions) the introduction of factions, and the android setting.

3 I think it's a "revamp" of the game, they kept what worked, ditched what didn't and clarified stuff, now i haven't seen a netrunner card since the 90's so maybe it's best you check the tutorial (if you haven't already) and see what's changed.

4. LCG format: each expansion contains 3 of each card (everything you need to play max limit is 3 per deck) and each expansion has the exact same cards, unlike a CCG. Each expansion adds cards to each faction of both runners and corp.

The larger expnasions will add a lot of cards to one faction of each (for example criminal and jinteki)

Keep in mind each faction (like the colors in magic) is good at certain things. but they can be mixed together (see rulebook)


HB: good ice, brain damage, balanced play style

Jinteki: traps and stuff that messess with the runner, tries to flatline the runner rather than win on agendas

BNB: Tracing, gives runners tags and steals their credits, scores agendas quicker or teams up with Weiland.

Weiland: ice that can be advanced, earning credits at you own cost, blowing up buildings!


Criminals: getting the right cards for the job, screwing over the corp, sneaky stuff, like to run on HQ

Shapers: getting the best hardware, altering ice and icebreakers, card draw, like to run on servers

Anarchs: Trashing cards, virus tokens, willingness to take damage/risks, like to run on archives.

1. They're definitely separate. Not at all intended to be compatible.

2. A veteran Netrunner player could probably pick up a deck and jump right back in with only a quick rundown.

What changed: introduction of factions is a big one. Traces have been revamped--the corp bids first and then the runner. Dice-rolling mechanics are gone.

3. It's a whole relaunch of the game! It lives again! But if they let the old cards be legal then people just discovering for the first time wouldn't have a very level playing field.

I should have watched the tutorial you linked first since it greatly helped. Thanks for the responses. I expect to be picking up a starter box soon!

One last question (I think): can i get by with just a starter box for the wife and I to play or are any of the expansions 'mandatory'?


If you are just playing casual then the starter is more than enough. It has cards of all seven factions and enough to make at least two decks. Expansions aren't mandatory but there are some pretty cool cards in some.