About time...

By Parravon, in X-Wing Off-Topic

An Off-Topic sub-forum, and about time too...

Now if only we could get one for list submissions.

And maybe one for topics that start On-topic, but we all know are doomed to be off-topic before the tenth post.


One for List building and another for painting and modeling and I would be content.

Really what we need mire than anything though is a few moderators who can move threads to appropriate places and close it delete the ones that are getting too belligerent.




I've been speaking to Evan about the way the forum is modded and how its sub divided/pinned etc.

I really need you all to contribute to that thread so in the new year i can report back and say 'popular opinion is we need.... blah blah blah'

But at the mo its been a bit of an underwhelming response.

Reporting back a sample group of about ten isnt a fair basis to ask anyone to change anything

I am very pleased however that we've an off topic section.

I was actually more impressed to see the first off-topic thread was about bacon. :)

I was actually surprised that a few people though the forum 'in joke' about bacon thats clearly been going on for some time was aimed maliciously at them! And i get accused of having a fragile ego :)

Ok, sorry guys...i realise its *not* and in joke and that bacon is no laughing matter.

It does lead to a dilemma here though... if we're discussing breakfast and someone is stupid enough to bring up xwing do we force them to move it to general discussion :)

I was actually surprised that a few people though the forum 'in joke' about bacon thats clearly been going on for some time was aimed maliciously at them! And i get accused of having a fragile ego :)

Ok, sorry guys...i realise its *not* and in joke and that bacon is no laughing matter.

It does lead to a dilemma here though... if we're discussing breakfast and someone is stupid enough to bring up xwing do we force them to move it to general discussion :)

I know, breakfast time and Star Wars time MUST remain separate at ALL times, NO exceptions!


I like the Boba Fett coffee cup, but why don't you have a Star Wars plate?

I like the Boba Fett coffee cup, but why don't you have a Star Wars plate?

good question... I have no idea.

I want an imperial cog dinner service that would look epic and no one but geeks wuld notice.

All your famly would just think it was some arty design on your plates.

I like the Boba Fett coffee cup, but why don't you have a Star Wars plate?

good question... I have no idea.

Well, sort it out! Surely someone must have them.

Just a point I've noticed here. Does EVERY off-topic thread have to include a reference to bacon? Is that a rule? I'm just not sure what the etiquette is for that.

I would be a good rule :)

I'm just asking, 'cos I think every thread on the off-topic board seems to now include a bacon reference. :)

An off-topic thread without a bacon reference would just be a right pigs ear of a post.


Wife is making me pork chops kinda like bacon but thicker . . . . . .mmmmmmm bacon .Oh yeah and early birthday presents rolled in today shuttle and firespray. Lovin the Darkside cookies that taste like bacon. On another note Gadge can you post a link to the sub forums post you are talking about My Search-Fu is week and Im not finding it.

Edited by Katman

Yeah i'll dig it out tomorrow for you. I've really got to get some writing done at the mo, I'm a bit behind schedule on my magazine this month as i've spent all day apolgising for upsetting people over bacon threads.

I do genuinely feel bad that i upset people btw, totally not my intent.

I just take the micky out of lots of things, i think its a remant of 'squaddie humour'

Been there. Some folks are just not bacon-compatible.

I want an imperial cog dinner service that would look epic and no one but geeks wuld notice.

All your famly would just think it was some arty design on your plates.

Pictures! Show it! :-)

Oh man i WANT one i dont HAVE one.

After i posted that post i spent ages on google trying to see if anyone had made one already.

I think my only chance would be to find somewhere that like does those plates where you can have photo's printed on and have a bespoke set made but that could be expensive

How about getting a bunch of 40k transfer sheets and a white (white/black) plate and making one yourself?


Oh man i WANT one i dont HAVE one.

After i posted that post i spent ages on google trying to see if anyone had made one already.

I think my only chance would be to find somewhere that like does those plates where you can have photo's printed on and have a bespoke set made but that could be expensive

If memory serves, they used to make home kits for plastic plates.

Oh man i WANT one i dont HAVE one.

After i posted that post i spent ages on google trying to see if anyone had made one already.

I think my only chance would be to find somewhere that like does those plates where you can have photo's printed on and have a bespoke set made but that could be expensive

If memory serves, they used to make home kits for plastic plates.

Martha Stewart at the hobby supply store, not sure you can eat off them though.

Not much use if you can't use them. We've got a department store here than can put your photos onto coffee mugs. Surely someone must do something like that with plates.