Some helpful folks and I have actually been getting together some setting notes and Tables for the Occurrence Border if you're interested in that sort of thing.
Some helpful folks and I have actually been getting together some setting notes and Tables for the Occurrence Border if you're interested in that sort of thing.
Eeeeexcellent. Useful looking and a fun read to boot. Now I just need
These are a really enjoyable read! I love how much personality all the characters have.
I wonder if all the tech heresy is going to eventually come back to bite them.
I look forward to more installments!
Okay, I'm halfway through. It's a bit hit and miss, although I'm definitely stealing the Ork Box. Buuut...
I can't be the only one who thought "well, that method of character generation sounds really tedious " instead of "awesome!".
I think "really tedious" is actually the default response, but most people don't bother saying anything.
I know that I certainly don't want to go through that again, it was definitely cool and novel thing, but it was a grueling experience at the time and took a massive amount of work. It's sorta like climbing nasty fourteener, you do it once to say you've done it, and never go back.
I've returned from the mountains and writing has resumed! Here's a short interlude from between where the last chapter left off and where the next chapter starts!Now, this started as an intro piece, but it became far too large, so I split it off. As a result, the writing style is a bit different from usual, and significantly more raw party dialogue has been left in. So I'd like to apologize in advance if the language gets a little crude, it's Aimy's fault.The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpSupTG Archive: Image Thing:
I actually quite enjoyed it with the more raw party dialogue. It gave a bit more personal a view of how the characters interact with one another.
Okay, I'm halfway through. It's a bit hit and miss, although I'm definitely stealing the Ork Box. Buuut...
I can't be the only one who thought "well, that method of character generation sounds really tedious " instead of "awesome!".
I thought it was a cool idea but yeah I did think it sounded painful and tedious to actually play out. At least the way it was described it sounded like the GM went a bit overboard in the lethality of it. With characters dying right off the character creation assembly line I'm not sure how any of the survivors ended up as anything but blank slates. I would have a really hard time giving any character any personality or fleshing out until the point when I knew they might live for more than 5 minutes of a session. Wouldn't want to waste all my good concepts on the cannon fodder.
I came bearing gifts!
Well, the gift of constructive criticism, at least.
Since "Arbites" is supposed to be short for "Adeptus Arbites", which is in
pig latin
High Gothic, you shouldn't use "arbite" as the singular form. Sadly, I have no idea what the singular of "Adeptus Arbites" would be in Latin (given that AFAIK, "Adeptus" is already singular), thus I think it would be safest to simply stick to "arbitrator".
I have no idea what the singular of "Adeptus Arbites" would be in Latin (given that AFAIK, "Adeptus" is already singular)
The term "Adeptus Arbites" is indeed singular - it's the name of the organisation. It's like saying "the FBI". It seems to be common in English to use the name of an organisation as a substitute for the plural form of members of that organisation (as in "The police are here"), thus conditioning you to think of organisation names as a sort of plural, but I think that's just a specific weird quirk of the English language (It's never done in Dutch, at any rate. Not sure about other languages).
So the organisation is called the Adeptus Arbites. If a squad of Arbitrators have just arrived at the scene, in English you could say "The Arbites are here" ("The police are here"), but it's not actually a proper plural - in most languages you would say either "The Arbites is here" ("The police is here" - speaking of the organisation in singular) or "The Arbitrators are here" ("The policemen are here" - actually a different word; one that refers to the individual members and not to the organisation as a whole).
Arbiter, Arbitrator?
Arbitrary? Not like these guardsmen are well educated! :-p
Anyway, if you disregard maimings, psychic trauma, property damage, and other little things like that, our expedition was practically bloodless.
Best line i have read about an rpg in a while
Well...****!... I guess so!
Ain't no party like a guardsmen party because a guardsmen party maintains a proper perimeter and stock of explosives at all times.
Another wild time on the Occurrence Border, quite possibly the best since flying it back to Oak after buying it (not that the times in between weren't Fun, mind).
Also, this is way past ploin-shaped. This is practically the Ur-Ploin, the ploin from which all other ploins draw inspiration. Awesome and terrifying.
And we're back:
I have soooo missed you guys!
On the off chance anyone is still reading this thread, here's the latest (and incredibly late) update to the Conspiracy Arc:
I binge-read all the previous instalments over the summer (like, in may) and I've been checking the site periodically for updates
I really like the stories. I don't like the way Sisters are portrayed at all, but that's not uncommon, and I put it down (mostly) to your GM. I'm one of those who sees the Sisters a lot more like, well, nuns, which includes celibacy and propriety and, as it is phrased in the 2E Codex, an "extremely puritan lifestyle." This of course means that the Hospitaller being in a relationship with . . . well, I can't remember that character's name, but you know who I mean, rubs me the wrong way a bit.
Anyway, I'm off to read! Thanks!
Love reading these stories.
The Emperor was sad part 2 wasn't ready before the holidays!
Well, I'm back.
Part 15.2: The "Stealthier" Mission
On the off chance there's still anyone interested:
Part 15.3: The Return of Bane Johns
Wait I missed this???
Part 16: Interlude: Escape
One last little inter-session bit and a bunch of lore before the campaign's final mission.