Tzeentchian Inferno Bolts confusion

By Hellion Nick, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Ok my first post here and I have a question regarding the rules around the Tzeentchian Inferno Bolts, is there a design flaw or am I missing something else? My GM and I have a "houserule" for it atm but it still kind of annoys me that this contradiction excists.

The rule of these bolts, in the tome of fate, clearly states that they can not be used on any mode except single shot. When you take the rules for Rubric marines and their suppresive firing rule at that, is when it starts to confuse the hell out of me.

Focussing on the combination with the Rubrics first, in order to be able to cause suppressive fire one needs to be able to at least fire at semi-automatic. Meaning with the rules for these bolts the combination would be a no go. Even though lorewise they can from what I remember, and from their special rule it would not make any sense if they could not fire semi-automatic with them.

For now my GM and I have agreed that at the very least the Rubrics are capable of semi-bursting with these rounds, if only because we know this killing field rule of them is also used in other games like the tabletop.

In my eyes any Tzeentchian psyker like the Thousand Sons should also be able to use these rounds like this. Just saying, even a rubric with no control over the magics on the round can, so why should a sorcerer not be able to?

Would really like some opinions on this. Or even something I could have completely missed.

Kind regards in advance

Well I try to help.

As the description says:

" Inferno Bolts... are too unstable to fire in any mode other than single shot..."

Make a house rule like: Inferno Bolts are too unstable to fire in any mode other than single shot, and gain the overheat quality when used in semi-auto or full-auto modes.

In that way it can be used safely in singe shot and can be used in semi-auto with some drawbacks.

It's bull. Scrap it and just fire them as you will.